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La Fondation EFE-Tunisie lance un appel à consultation pour faciliter le placement des jeunes bénéficiant du programme de formation dans les gouvernorat Gabes , Tozeur et Médenine Retour vers les opportunités

Education for Employment

Lance   Appel à candidatures


22 Février 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Béja et 6 autre(s) régions

Scope of Work

Based on this scope of work, applicants are expected to develop a brief proposal (2‐3 pages) consisting of an anticipated work plan, budget, and level of effort to serve as a potential guide to follow during the project.

About the Project

 Education For Employment (EFE), its local Tunisian affiliate EFE-Tunisie, in consortium with Tunisian American Young Professionals (TAYP) and Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (TAMSS) have partnered with the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) to launch the project “ Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized Communities” to increase employment (including self-employment) among young Tunisians in marginalized interior and/or southern regions.

The consortium brings more than a decade of locally-based experience creating economic opportunities for Tunisian youth in marginalized regions, creating linkages to all key stakeholders, to avoid duplication of services and interventions, thus promoting social capital and local buy-into address the issue of youth employment. The synergy created through this consortium and other actors ensures a nuanced understanding of the local job market, including both challenges and opportunities to achieve the impact necessary to address youth unemployment and support local development through a combination of job training and placement, and entrepreneurship and capacity building interventions. Through these activities, the consortium seeks to not only improve the lives of youth, but to reduce their need to leave their homes, while increasing private sector opportunities.

EFE in the past ten years has introduced more than 50,000 youth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to the world of work through a unique network Affiliate system that leverages organizational capacity support, financial assistance and compliance, as well as technical expertise, with local-based Affiliates, such as EFE-Tunisie. EFE-Tunisie has become the country’s leading civil society organization addressing youth unemployment, by providing more than 6,900 young women and men with skills and tools to find their first job or start a business, including more than 1,700 youth directly placed into demand sectors, while also influencing institutional level systems change by working to improve feedback loops between the public and private sector.

“Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized Communities” addresses youth unemployment and supports local development through a combination of job training and placement, and entrepreneurship and capacity building interventions in Tunisia. Education for Employment (EFE) will reach 1,364 young beneficiaries aged 18-35 from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds in the southern governorates of Gabès, Médenine and Tozeur and NW governorates of Jendouba, Siliana, Kef et Beja. EFE will work with its local Tunisian affiliate EFE-Tunisie, in consortium with Tunisian American Young Professionals (TAYP) and Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (TAMSS).

As the consortium already holds significant experience and expertise in the identified focus regions, the consortium will leverage its already existing partners, while bringing a local regional expert with experience working closely with all stakeholders: employer, educational, institutional, government and youth themselves to further strengthen its impact for this project. For this project, we will focus on providing job training and placement in the high-tech sectors of information and communication technology and low-tech sectors such as agribusiness, tourism, sector and services. During this phase, EFE-Tunisie will engage with existing and potential employer partners to promote pre-committed jobs for program graduates to ensure that youth find employment locally.

In the scope of its project Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized, EFE-Tunisie will select a consultant to support outreach and program implementation in Southern regions of Gabes, Mednine & Tozeur and Northwestern regions of Jendouba, Siliana, Kef and Beja.

The consultant will:

  • Identify and create a business outreach strategy with private sector, drawing on information from project market assessments
  • Identify HR and recruitment strategies of key SMEs within regions
  • Research and connect with potential partners and employers in the regions
  • Create and follow up on new business opportunities
  • Prepare and present presentations to potential partners and employers
  • Establish partnerships with employers in the regions and facilitate on the ground connections with the private sector to further facilitate the job placements of youth benefiting from the job training and placement program.
  • Collaborate with EFE-Tunisie Training Manager to ensure curriculum is alignment with specific sector and employer needs
  • Collaborate with employer partners in the selection of youth based on beneficiary profiles and specific employer needs
  • Oversee sourcing of program candidates among unemployed youth aged 18-35 (at least 3 months of unemployment period) from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Serve as a point of contact with the EFE-Tunisie staff in Tunis, around logistics for trainings.
  • Contribute to EFE-Tunisie’s and the project’s visibility through outreach, social media, and regular networking
  • Coordinate with consortium partners in the implementation of activities to avoid duplication and to ensure efficiency and impact of consortium
  • Organize regional events in coordination with private and public sector partners

The total level of effort for this work will be 112 days

Engagement: Expectations and Level of Commitment  Methodology

 The consultant will achieve the expected outcome through:

  • Reviewing regional market trends and needs
  • Identifying HR and Recruitment priorities for key SMEs within regions
  • Connecting and meeting with potential partners and employers in regional key sectors
  • Coordinating with consortium partners to ensure delivery of training activities and synchronization of all key project stakeholders within the regions


  • New and strengthen employer partnerships
  • Placement of youth into employer partners with a target of 180 EFE-Tunisie training graduates placed within private companies within the regions
  • Greater visibility of project and consortium partners
  • Coordination of EFE-Tunisie trainings on soft skills and technical trainings with the target of 212 youth graduated

 Project Timeline


The consultant is called to:

– The consultant will coordinate with EFE-Tunisie’s Corporate Outreach Consultant and will report to EFE-Tunisie’s CEO while also coordinating with other EFE-Tunisie team members when necessary.

– Present to the CEO of EFE-Tunisie a report of the prospecting activities of the employers every 15 days:

  • list of the employers being prospected (pipeline) as well as the progress of the negotiations (signature of convention, number of young people to be recruited, recruitment and training schedule)
  • Prepare a monthly report describing the activities and progress in progress.

This estimation is not binding and the consultant is free to allocate the number of days he/she/they see fit per governorate, provided that the total number of days does not exceed 112 working days.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 8 février 2019

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