16 Août 2019 Il y a 6 ans
Education For Employment (EFE), its local Tunisian affiliate EFE-Tunisie, in consortium with Tunisian American Young Professionals (TAYP) and Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (TAMSS) have partnered with the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination (NEA/AC) to launch the project “ Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized Communities” to increase employment (including self-employment) among young Tunisians in marginalized interior and/or southern regions.
EFE-Tunisie has become the country’s leading civil society organization addressing youth unemployment, by providing more than 10878 young women and men with skills and tools to find their first job or start a business, including more than 2132 youth directly placed into demand sectors, while also influencing institutional level systems change by working to improve feedback loops between the public and private sector.
“Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized Communities” addresses youth unemployment and supports local development through a combination of job training and placement, and entrepreneurship and capacity building interventions in Tunisia. EFE will reach 1217 young beneficiaries aged 18-35 from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds in the governorates of Siliana, Kef, Beja and Jendouba.
As the consortium already holds significant experience and expertise in the identified focus regions, the consortium will leverage its already existing partners, while conducting a regional market and needs analysis to further strengthen its impact for this project. This analysis will provide relevant information on the regional sectors, key technical & soft skills in demand from employers and specific challenges that are faced by employers in these marginalized regions.
This analysis will also ensure filling gaps, instead of duplicating existing projects.
In the scope of its project Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized, EFE-Tunisie will select a consultant to conduct a Regional market and needs analysis in Jendouba, Siliana, Beja et le Kef. The project’s target involves job seekers aged between 18 – 35 years old and unemployed for at least 3 months.
The consultant will:
The consultant will begin the Regional market and needs analysis in April 2019. The study, all deliverables included, must be completed by end of May 2019.
The consultant will engage with all employment stakeholders and the private sector in Siliana, Jendouba, Beja and Kef, i.e ; Chambers of Commerce, Regional UTICA, as well as national and local business associations and federations that operate in the targeted governorates.
The consultant will provide weekly written progress reports to EFE-Tunisie.
The consultant will achieve the expected outcome of the Regional market and needs analysis through:
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