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Early career researchers : Podcasting & digital storytelling training Retour vers les opportunités


30 Avril 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Arts/Culture

Early career researchers : Podcast & digital storytelling training Application guidelines

Told the Untold on Displacement & Vulnerabilities: Podcast & digital storytelling training and audio-visual production for researchers & academia

Are you an early-career researcher interested in impact-driven research in the fields of arts, humanities, sociology, and culture? Would you like to develop your skills in a new arts-based research methodology? Have you used a mixed methods approach or transcribed interviews with your phone or a device in the past? Have you considered documenting qualitative research in an innovative way, such as creating a compelling narrative to amplify voices and increase visibility?

La Fabrique Art Studio/ Notre Culture D’abord is partnering with Keele University under the framework of the MADAR network+ (2020-2025) to launch a podcast training and series titled ‘Told the Untold on Displacement & Vulnerabilities’. The selected participant will be invited to a two-day training and production process with the aim of producing a series of podcasts.

Podcast & digital storytelling as an arts based research methods.

Podcasting and digital storytelling is an audio-visual creative approach for researchers which allows them to examine sensitive phenomena and capture relevant information that might be missed through text-only interviews, as participants can express their stories in multidimensional ways.

In combination with other methods, podcasting can also be employed as a tool during interviews or focus groups. As a new data collection technique, it encourages active participation and reflection from participants, aligning with a participatory-centered approach to research communication.

It can also aid in the interpretation of complex stories, provide insight into the nuanced meanings of participants’ experiences, and present findings in an engaging manner. Sharing experiences and transferring knowledge in this way can ultimately lead to improvements as podcasting has become a powerful tool for raising awareness and promoting discussions on these critical issues.

We believe that it is essential for emerging researchers to develop their skills in this area and connect with diverse communities through podcasting and get a deeper understanding of their experiences.

Research-based podcasts main benefits:

Dissemination of research findings: Podcasts can be used to share research findings with a wider audience beyond the academic community. This can help bridge the gap between research and practice and make research more accessible to the general public.
Showcasing academic expertise: Podcasts can provide a platform for academics to share their knowledge and expertise with others.

By featuring experts in their field, podcasts can offer unique insights into various topics and promote academic discourse.

Engaging with new audiences: Podcasts can help reach new audiences who may not typically engage with academic content. This can include students, professionals, and members of the general public who have an interest in a particular topic.

Highlighting faculty members: Podcasts can be used to highlight the work of faculty members and provide an opportunity for listeners to hear directly from them about their research and academic journey.

Overall, research-based podcasts can serve as a valuable tool for promoting research, enhancing academic discourse, and engaging with diverse audiences.

About the training and the production process

Podcast & digital storytelling for academia is designed to equip early career researchers with the skills they need to produce informative and engaging research podcasts that are both audio and visual. The program is tailored to meet the needs of researchers, whether they are affiliated with a university or not, and regardless of their career stage – from those just starting out to those who are already established in their fields. Please note that this programme is fully funded by MADAR N+*.

13 & 14 May : Two days training (location to be determinant)
15-30 May : Podcast Script writing with the guidance of our team
Early June (dates to be confirmed) : Podcast production supported by our creative unit team

Themes to be covered in the podcast series “Told the Untold”

Vulnerabilities, violences and protection/safeguarding mechanisms
Safe spaces for communities and minorities
Advocacy and action research


Due to limited spots, we encourage you to send your application before 30 April 2023.

For any inquiries , please send us an email at : lafabriqueartstudio@gmail.com.

About La Fabrique/Notre Culture D’abord NCD
NCD, known also as la Fabrique, has always been committed to advance human rights and raise awareness on challenges faced by underprivileged creatives and artists through creative mediums and artistic projects and arts based research initiatives including FeMENA Network and Creatives Unlimited as a great example to promote sustainable and positive change for gender minorities.

MADAR is a collaborative network led by Keele University in partnership with IRMC (Tunisia), CREAD (Algeria), AMI (Morocco), University of Edinburgh (UK) and the University of Manchester (UK), University of Liverpool (UK), as well as with partner NGOs: Notre Culture d’Abord/La Fabrique Art Studio (Tunisia) and Racines. aisbl (Morocco). For more information about the network and the team, we invite you to visit the network page.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Being an early-career researcher interested in impact-driven research in the fields of arts, humanities, sociology, and culture
  • Interested in developping the skills in a new arts-based research methodology
  • Having used a mixed methods approach or transcribed interviews with your phone or a device in the past is an asset
  • Having considered documenting qualitative research in an innovative way, such as creating a compelling narrative to amplify voices and increase visibility is an asset

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Marwen Bounab

Project Coordinator

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