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(Offre en anglais) Danish Refugee Council recrute un(e) “Project Officer – DDG” Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Offre d'emploi


13 Janvier 2020 Il y a 5 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Médenine et 1 autre(s) régions

Workplace: Medenine City with Travel around Medenine & Tataouine Disctrict, Tunisia

Department/Country: Tunisia

Contract type: National contract



Danish Demining Group (DDG) is widely recognised as provider of efficient and community-oriented solutions to human security problems caused by landmines and other explosive remnants of war as well as small arms and light weapons.

DDG is part of DRC (Danish Refugee Council), founded in Denmark in 1956, and which is Denmark’s largest and the world’s leading non-profit, independent, rights-based refugee organization.

Our vision is to assist refugees, internally displaced people and their host communities to a dignified life. We protect lives and human rights and empower beneficiaries throughout conflict displacement by providing shelter, food, and hope in terms of work, education and integration towards a sustainable future.

Overall purpose of the role:

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is an international non-governmental organization, which promotes and supports durable solutions to the problems faced by vulnerable people affected by conflict and instability all over the world. Danish Demining Group (DDG) is a specialized unit within DRC that focuses on community safety programming. DDG strives to identify safety and security needs from the perspective of those living in conflict areas and to help them find non-violent solutions. These go beyond traditional mine action activities to include violence reduction, programming that specifically seeks to engage communities in addressing root causes of conflict and local safety and security challenges.

DRC/DDG has been working in the region in Libya and Tunisia since 2011. DDG has been present in Tunisia since 2014 working on enhancing community security and resilience in the border towns of Dehiba and Ben Guerdane. In 2016, DDG built on this engagement to develop a cross-border programme between southern Tunisia and border towns in western Libya (Zuwara, Wazin and Nalut).  The aim is to continue working on community safety and resilience by implementing community dialogue, conflict prevention and management activities as well with the aim of building relations and cross-border initiatives.

The Project Officer, in coordination and cooperation with project staff, and supervised by the Project Manager, is expected to:

  1. Support strategic and program development of Safer Communities programming
  2. Support project management in terms of programming and administrative functions incl. grants management
  3. Contribute to development of communications materials and reporting
  4. Contribute to knowledge management and an active culture of organizational learning


Strategic and Program Development

  • Assist regular analysis of political and security developments and themes in southeast Tunisia
  • Assist the development and implementation of DDG’s South Tunisia program strategy
  • Contribute to internal discussions on thematic issues related to violence prevention, conflict management, community security, and border management
  • Contribute in creating and developing inter-agency coordination mechanisms to promote border management programs and policy advice

Project Management

  • Support effective use of project management tools and development of new tools and procedures as needed
  • Assist administrative tasks related to financial, logistics, and human resources management
  • Assist in grants management tasks such as ensuring that the ERP system is regularly updated.

Communications and Reporting

  • Contribute to drafting of content for communications and advocacy materials, internal and donor reporting, and project-related publications
  • Support the development of regular newsletters and other knowledge products based on conflict analysis

Knowledge Management and Learning

  • Monitor forthcoming research, media, and events related to community security, conflict management, and integrated border management in Tunisia
  • Support the development of the Conflict Incident Tracker and mentor local partners in the use of the Tracker
  • Develop analysis and identify trends based on the inputs in the Conflict Incident Tracker
  • Support the capacities of relevant local staff in reporting and information management
  • Maintain an organized filing system to manage and preserve all project documentation in a safe and accessible way
  • Promote a culture of learning by actively identifying challenges supporting identification of lessons learned

Critères d'éligibilité

  • At least 3 years of experience working on peace, security or governance issues with non-governmental organizations
  • Demonstrable experience of project management, reporting, and program support
  • Experience working in diverse, multi-cultural professional environments
  • A university degree in social science, political science, or related field
  • Excellent writing and communication skills in English and French
  • Arabic language skills desirable

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