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Digital Marketing consultant -Amnesty International Retour vers les opportunités

Amnesty International Tunisie

Lance   Appel à consultants


04 Avril 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie



Since its inception in 2017, the MENA HR academy has invested in building its eLearning presence through the online Academy platform that gathers today over 47,000 learners from MENA, and offers 19 courses in Arabic,18 in English, 6 in French in addition to courses in 17 other languages. 

The Academy team has specialized in the blended-learning approach, educational interventions that encompass different types of educational activities and support learners in implementing the skills they gain within their communities.



The consultancy should focus on Digital Marketing of the Academy, creative ideas about new assets, SM monitoring, creation of comms outputs, creation of Light assets is a Plus:  

  • Digital Marketing: (Core)

The consultancy focuses foremost on implementing Amnesty Academy Marketing strategy aiming at raising awareness about academy e-learning courses and aiming at raising the number of learners on the platform  

  • Creative ideas about captions and Assets: (Core) 

One of consultancy deliverables is to suggest and lead on creative ideas of assets that maximize the SM reach, clicks and conversions. 

  • SM Monitoring: (Core) 

The consultant will lead on SM monitoring related to Academy. This task suggests monitoring positive comments and/ responding to queries as per established FAQs (preferable)

  • Creation of comms outputs (preferable)

The consultant occasionally suggests and creates comms outputs such as Blog articles. 


  • Creation of light assets (preferable)

The consultant suggests, creates and tests light assets using canva and other tools as per market requirement. 


Additional areas of consultancy to take into consideration 

  • Gender: The consultant should ensure gender balance across Marketing
  • Audience relevance: The consultant should test and break marketing taking into consideration the different region audiences.


  • Posting weekly and monthly SM outputs, monitoring engagement on SM on weekly basis
  • Coordination of weekly meetings to present results and build on them
  • Refine and update AI Academy marketing strategy for academy 
  • Creation captions for SM
  • Identifying and creating new assets
  • Suggesting and creating comms outputs



The total budget available for the end consultancy is USD 9 000. 

The budget should cover all aspects of the consultancy including working time of the consultant and all communication costs, including internet and devices. 



Deadline for submitting tender to the MENA HRE Team April04, 2022 
Contract signed between consultant and the MENA HRE team April 7, 2022
Final report completed 29th December 2022



  • Demonstrable experience of Digital Marketing
  • Familiarity with different SM platforms
  • Demonstrable experience in Marketing strategy creation
  • Demonstrable experience of working with NGOs
  • Familiarity with human rights language 
  • Ability to write captions
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Arabic and English. 
  • Excellent understanding of SM assets and Assets production




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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 22 March 2022

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