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Digital Enhancement Expert -BESTMEDGRAPE Retour vers les opportunités


15 Janvier 2022 Il y a 3 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Project A_A.21_0035 BESTMEDGRAPE 

Public notice n° 01/2022 

La Chambre Nationale Syndicale des Producteurs des Boissons Alcolisées- Union Tunisienne  des Industries, du Commerce et des Artisanats CNSPBA-UTICA (National Chamber of Alcoholic  Beverages Producers- The Tunisian Unions of Indusries, Commerce and Handicrafts) partner  of BESTMEDGRAPE project, financed in the framework of ENI CBC MED Programme 2014- 

2020, is looking for an: Digital Enhancement Expert 

1- Project description 

BESTMEDGRAPE responds to the Overarching Objective ENI CBC Med programme of fostering  sustainable economic, social and territorial development. It takes stock from over 10-year  R&D of the partners in the fields of grape valorisation, waste exploitation and development  of nanotechnological antioxidant/anti-inflammatory/anti-neurodegenerative formulations,  areas where international patents have been obtained. The partnership expects to produce a  substantial change in areas where winemaking could not profit from recent technological  applications due to generalized economic slowdown and conflicts affecting the Med area. 

BESTMEDGRAPE aims at supporting the creation of new start-ups/SMEs by transferring  scientific/technological knowledge on local grape cultivars and exploitation of wine by products as a source of bioactive compounds that are transformed in innovative commercial  health products, when appropriately incorporated in ad hoc nanocarriers. 

Start date: 1st of September 2019  

Duration: three years  

Total project Budget: 3.323.614,57 €  

EU Contribution: 2.658.891,66 € (80 %) 

2- Subject of the notice  

La Chambre Nationale Syndicale des Producteurs des Boissons Alcolisées- Union Tunisienne  des Industries, du Commerce et des Artisanats CNSPBA-UTICA (National Chamber of Alcoholic  Beverages Producers of the Tunisian Unions of Indusries, Commerce and Handicrafts), 4 st. 

BESTMEDGRAPE_CNSPBA-UTICA / Adresse : 08 Rue Mohamed Badra Montplaisir 1073 Tunis Mail : bestmedgrape.tn@gmail.com / Tél : 71 232 528/ Fax : 71 232 889 

Ferjani Bel Hadj Ammar- Cité El Khadra-Tunis, represented by its president Mr Mohamed Ben  

Cheikh, as a Tunisian partner of the project A_A.21_0035 BESTMEDGRAPE “New Business  opportunities & Environmental suSTainability using MED GRAPE nanotechnological products”  is publishing this public note for the selection of an Communication & Digital Enhancement  Expert conformly to the administrative and technical specifications mentioned in the project  description, to the applicable laws and to the present document.  

This notice comes in the framework of the Grant contract signed the 24 July 2019 by the  University of Cagliari as Lead Beneficiary and the Managing Authority of the ENI CBC  Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme (MA) and by the the Annexes I and II.  

3- Job description  

The Communication & digital enhancement expert should ensure the implementation at  partner level of the following tasks of BESTMEDGRAPE project:  

  1. Coordinating the presence to the online courses of the Entrepreneurs beneficiaries of  the Project in Tunisia and assisting them in resolving the potential technical  problems.  
  2. Communication with the Entrepreneurs beneficiaries of the Project in Tunisia to  highlight their projects and their progress through the project Business Creation. 3. Highlighting the results of the project through classical media releases (written media, radio, TV, etc.) 
  3. Enhancement of project visibility by social networks and YouTube;  5. Organization of project events; 
  4. Establishment of the cross-border network;  
  5. Development of synergies with other projects;  
  6. Coordinating the listed activities with the CNSPBA-UTICA project team Manager and  the Partnership Communication Team. 

The Communication & Digital Enhancement Expert should coordinate his/her activity  with the CNSPBA-UTICA project team Manager and the Partnership Communication  Team.


4- Requirements  

Absolute commitment to high ethics and integrity  

Excellent interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills (English) including  active listening skills.  

Demonstrate good organization, problem-solving, and teamwork skills  Be flexible with a high commitment to achieving deadlines  

Demonstrate adaptability to differences in age, culture, gender, nationality and  religion  

5- Education and experience required  

University degree in business communication or other equivalent degrees.  A prior experience similar experience of at least 3 years.  

6- Duration  :

9 months, until the preparation of the last financial report.  

7- Application must include  :

Curriculum Vitae  

Motivation letter  

Professional references  

Copies of employment and/or internship certificates and copies of university  diplomas 

8- Fees: 5500€ Maximum 

9- Deadline: 15th of January 2022. 

10- ed.eu/projects/bestmedgrape  


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