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(Offre en anglais) Danish Refugee Council lance un appel à consultation “Training on Mapping and QGIS software” Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Appel à candidatures


26 Juillet 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


The MMC is a leading source for independent and high-quality data, research, analysis and expertise on mixed migration. The MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in public and policy debates on mixed migration. Read more about the MMC here: www.mixedmigration.org. The MMC is part of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), a leading humanitarian organization responding to displacement and mixed migration in 40 countries.

Since 2014, MMC has been implementing the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism initiative (4Mi), a growing network of monitors stationed in key migration hubs in more than 20 countries along 7 major migration routes, who are interviewing refugees and migrants on the move on a continuous basis, providing a solid evidence base on the needs and protection incidents facing people on the move.  Read more about 4Mi here: http://www.mixedmigration.org/4mi/.

The Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi) consists of a unique network of field monitors situated along frequently used routes and in major migratory hubs. It aims to offer a regular, standardized, quantitative system of collecting primary data on mixed migration flows.


The MMC wishes to improve internal capacity at visualization of 4Mi data through the production of customized maps. Therefore, MMC is looking for a trainer to develop and deliver a QGIS training allowing 4Mi data being visualized on regional and global maps.

The objective of the training is for trainees to reach intermediate to proficient level in the use of QGIS. The duration of the course should be from two to three days.

DELIVERABLES and timeline

The consultant must be available to deliver the training between the 9th and 27th of September. The consultancy is expected to be completed by 30th September 2019.

Selected candidate will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Develop a customized course schedule that enables trainees to become intermediate to proficient users of QGIS with 4Mi data and other relevant secondary data
  • Deliver the training in Tunis for up to 10 participants
  • Prepare an exit test/exercise to certify obtained skills

The Mixed Migration Centre will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Provide the consultant with all needed information about the 4Mi programme
  • Provide the consultant with a sample of 4Mi data to be used for producing maps
  • Provide training venue and related logistics (internet connection, refreshments, etc …)
  • Provide IT equipment for training participants
  • Select the participants and ensure their timely attendance
  • Arrange return flight to/from Tunisia in economy class
  • Provide accommodation in Tunis for the duration of the training


For the award of this consultancy, MMC has established evaluation criteria which govern the selection of offers received. Evaluation is made on a technical and financial basis. The percentage assigned to each component is determined in advance as follows:

    • The technical offer will be evaluated using the following criteria:
  • Consultant qualifications (25%)

                        (Documented with CV of relevant staff involved)

  • Proposed services (50%)

                        (Documented with the technical proposal)

  • Interview (25%)


The technical offer consists of a tentative schedule of the course. The course should last a maximum of 3 days and should include, as a minimum, following learning outcomes:

  • Manipulating and importing datasets into QGIS
  • Navigating and exploring spatial data in QGIS
  • Interrogating and querying data in QGIS
  • Joining tabular data to spatial data
  • Undertaking simple calculations
  • Creating shapefiles
  • Digitising data from aerial photos
  • Creating maps showing selected datapoints from imported datasets

All bidders must obtain a minimum score of at least 50 for the total technical scoring, in order to proceed to the financial evaluation. The financial offer will then be weighed against the technical offer.

  • The score for the financial component will be calculated with the following formula:
Score  =  50 x Best offer

The budget/offer should be broken down as below:

  • Training design (number of days x daily fee in USD)
  • Training delivery (number of days x daily fee in USD)
  • Any other cost (specify)


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Both companies and independent consultant are eligible.
  • PhD or Master’s in GIS or other relevant qualification.
  • At least 5-year experience in delivering QGIS trainings.
  • Proven experience in the professional application of QGIS.
  • Preferably fluent in both English and French.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 17 juillet 2019

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