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(Offre en anglais) Danish Refugee Council lance un appel à consultation “Urban programming assessment – Tunis” Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Appel à candidatures


14 Août 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Assignment: Urban programming assessment – Tunis

Grade: Consultant

Line Manager: DDG Program Manager/Country Director Tunisia

Duty Station: Tunis, Tunisia

Time frame: 6 weeks

Introduction and background

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is an international non-governmental organisation, which promotes and supports durable solutions to the problems faced by refugees and internally displaced people all over the world. Danish Demining Group (DDG) is the Safer Communities unit within the Danish Refugee Council. The DDG mission is to improve safety, strengthen community resilience, and build local capacities to reduce and remove weapons-related risks, and factors that may result in use of weapons.

Tunisia country programme is made up of a mixed migration response in South Tunisia, including protection, emergency assistance, 4MI data collection and safer communities programming. As DRC Tunisia is looking to expand the current programme, DRC seeks an external consultant (individual) to carry out an urban programming assessment of Tunis incl. to identify needs of vulnerable individuals in the urban environment of Tunis, main international and local actors involved in mixed migration response in Tunis, legal framework, and services provided, while main focus will be identifying key vulnerabilities and gaps in service provision. This will subsequently inform DRC urban programming in Tunis.

Consultancy objectives

Overall objective: To identify relevant urban programming and options to support mixed migration and vulnerable host communities in Tunis, Tunisia that will provide programmatic guidance to DRC in designing its urban programme in Tunis.

The following assessment questions will be considered:

Contextual analysis

Mapping of existing urban programming initiatives and capacities:

  1. What types of mixed migration urban programming – with a focus on vulnerable individuals – are being implemented in Tunis? Targeting which mixed migration groups? Targeting vulnerable host communities? What is working? What is missing?
  2. Who are the main stakeholders / implementers of urban programming? What is their level of experience and capacity?

Socio-economic situation:

  1. What are the main socio-economic characteristics of refugee, migrant and host communities in Tunis? What are the key vulnerabilities within these target groups? The consultancy will investigate subjects such as protection needs and risks, economic and livelihood opportunities, access to services (including health and education), food security, social cohesion between migrants and host communities and the social contract between host community and government.
  2. What are the main gaps/needs in programming and services in Tunis?

 Overview of best practices in DRC’s urban programming in other regions

  1. Which activities have DRC’s urban programming in East Africa and the Middle East implemented successfully? What are the main lessons learned from what DRC has done elsewhere that is relevant to the context in Tunis?


  1. What are the key vulnerabilities that are not addressed in terms of mixed migration and vulnerable host communities in Tunis?
  2. What would be appropriate assistance from DRC taking into consideration the expertise of the organization while being sensitive to the context? What are the areas where DRC could have a value add in building more resilient communities in Tunis?
  3. What would be beneficial partnerships with local & international actors for DRC in Tunis?

The main target group is migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable host communities (incl. women, youth and LGBTQI), and all information should be disaggregated by sex.

Consultancy scope

The consultancy should cover the geographic location of the capital Grand Tunis.


  • Desk review: the consultant will review existing resources and map current actors and services to identify what services are provided by humanitarian and development actors and potential gaps in service provision. The desk review will include a review of the legal framework covering the draft asylum law, laws around migration and labor rights, laws for vulnerable people such as LGBTQI, and laws that are aimed at host communities but may have an indirect impact on refugees and migrants.
  • Data collection: the consultant will use a mix of key informant interviews (incl. internally in DRC to identify urban programming experience in other DRC regions), focus group discussions, household surveys and observations in order to carry out the assessment.
  • Internal workshop: the consultant will organise a workshop with key DRC representatives to gather knowledge and lessons learned on urban programming and how they can be integrated into the context in Tunis.


  • A brief inception report (maximum 5 pages), which details the consultant’s understanding of the work and includes a concrete action plan for delivering the outputs.
  • A draft report clearly and concisely presenting the findings and programme recommendations, including specific recommendations for partnerships.
  • A presentation of the findings and recommendations to DRC Tunisia team/potentially during the DRC Tunisia Annual Review.
  • A final report taking into account the feedback provided by DRC


This timeframe is tentative and will be revised based on the consultant’s proposal.


  • Inception report (3 days)
  • Desk review (5 days)
  • Development of methodology and tools (3 days)
  • Field data collection (15 days)
  • Initial reporting and presentation (5 days)
  • Final reporting (2 days)
  • Total days: 33

Reporting Line

The consultant will report jointly to the DRC Regional Director and DDG Program Manager and will liaise closely with the Regional Head of Programme.

We offer

  • DRC will offer the successful applicant a 33 working-day contract, the assessment must commence no later than August 26, 2019.
  • DRC will pay consultancy fees at a mutually agreed rate.
  • DRC will provide recommendations for travel and accommodation with logistical arrangements. International and local flights, accommodation and local transportation will be covered by the consultant.
  • The area is not deemed an insecure environment and thus there are no restrictions on movements by the hosting authorities. DRC will provide however security information and the evaluation team is expected to follow DRC security procedures.
  • DRC staff located in the assessment areas will provide necessary support to the assessment team.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Post graduate degree in Social Sciences, Development studies, Migration or Forced Displacement studies and/or related discipline
  • Demonstrable and extensive experience in contextual analyses and needs assessments
  • Knowledge of current literature / practice on mixed migration and urban programming
  • Based in Tunis or willingness to travel to Tunis, Tunisia and ability to work under challenging circumstances
  • Skills in teamwork
  • Ability to produce high quality analytical material in English
  • Proficiency in French and/or Arabic is essential, otherwise the consultant must hire a translator.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 2 août 2019

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