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Culture Resource lance un appel à candidature pour la 3éme ronde de Tandem Shaml (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


22 Juin 2015 Il y a 9 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Tandem Shaml
Call for Application 2015 – 2016

Tandem Shaml supports experimental collaborations between cultural change makers from the Arab Region and Europe.

For the upcoming round, Tandem Shaml offers 16 cultural organisations, 8 from Europe and 8 from the Arab Region, the unique opportunity to establish cross-border cooperation links.

This exchange and knowledge development programme allows cultural professionals from many different disciplines to acquire skills required for engaging in long-term partnerships. The Tandem process provides hands-on possibilities for getting real insights into European and Arab cultural scenes.  Participants will gain practical experiences in collaborating with rapidly changing fields in both regions.

Tandem Shaml is based on the organisers’ belief that working together on tangible cross-border initiatives creates fruitful cultural dialogue among different groups and engages and exposes distant communities to each other.

Who is Tandem Shaml for?

Tandem Shaml is designed to strengthen participants’ skills in the field of cross-cultural collaboration and organisational management. The programme addresses both young and experienced cultural managers and project coordinators with good command of English that represent independent cultural organisations that are well connected and active in their local communities.

What does the programme look like?

Tandem Shaml starts with a Partnership Forum from 15-20 September 2015. During the forum up to 12 shortlisted European cultural managers and their 12 Arab counterparts will identify their ideal collaboration partner and work on a co-creative project plan. The 8 most promising partnerships will be invited to the Kick-Off Meeting, taking place from 26-31 January 2016. Between February and November, participants join their Tandem partners during 10 to 14-day mutual professional Placements. During the placements, participants will work on their joint pilot project and gain insights in each other’s practices, communities and networks. At the Interim Meeting in June 2016, participants will exchange their placement experiences before presenting the results of their one year collaboration at the Final Meeting in November 2016.

What does Tandem Shaml offer?

  • Ongoing expert advice for the development of the cross-border collaborations and the artistic and cultural co-productions
  • Travel and subsistence reimbursement for all meetings, as well as start-up funding (max. EUR 5.000) for each collaboration project
  • Becoming a part of the TANDEM network including more than 150 cultural managers coming from around 90 cities in wider Europe and the Arab region.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 17 June 2015

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