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Country Engagement Manager – Hivos Retour vers les opportunités


03 Janvier 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Environnement


The five-year strategic objective of the AVJCA program is “By 2025, local civil society groups have claimed a central role as empowered innovators, facilitators and advocates of climate solutions”. Our program is about climate justice i.e. climate change is not only an environmental problem to be addressed but also a societal challenge with ethical and human rights aspects. Hence our intention is to build wide societal support for locally shaped climate solutions through an inclusive and rights-based approach. This includes building a broad-based climate alliance at country level, bridging divides (urban-rural, gender, youth), that amplifies voices in new, unusual ways. In addition, we will influence national and global policies and financial flows in support of these locally shaped solutions. The program will be implemented by an alliance of 6 organizations: WWF NL, Hivos, SouthSouthNorth, Akina Mama wa Afrika, Shack Dwellers International, Fundación Avina. During the 5 years’ program period the alliance aims to increase ownership of the program by local CSOs. The program is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the “Power of Voices” framework.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in development studies, governance or another relevant field.

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Sarah Saleh

Regional Director - Hivos MENA

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