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Consultant projet WAVES – MERCY CORPS Retour vers les opportunités

Mercy Corps

Lance   Appel à consultants


12 Octobre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

This evaluation Scope of Work (SOW) is a plan for preparing, conducting, and following up on a baseline evaluation for the WAVES program.

About Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In a disaster, in hardship, in more than  40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.


The Tunisia WAVES (Wiring Accountability for a Vibrant Economy and Society) program will support leading Tunisian CSOs to develop their organizational capacities and manage programs in an accountable way in accordance with feasible outcomes frameworks and set themselves up for autonomous operations well into the future. The program is based on the premise that Tunisia’s CSO sector needs to be well placed to ensure a future that is democratic for all Tunisians.

Purpose of the Evaluation:

This SOW is designed to help Mercy Corps and the executive partner IACE to compile rigorously the results of interviews conducted by MC M&E team through the OCI process with potential participating associations through the WAVES program.

The Organizational Capacity Index (OCI) is Mercy Corps’ tool to lead organizations through a self-reflective process of their strengths and weaknesses and support them to improve their internal organizational capacity. The tool enables organizational staff members to establish where they believe their organization stands in terms of capacity.

The evaluation will be performed by establishing a baseline measurement of the key indicators (outcome-level indicators), that can be publishable and built from the beginning of the project and then by tracking progress of that baseline over the project period, in order to indicate the added-value or/and impact, of the program among its targeted CSOs.

The results of the Baseline should allow the project to review the needs of its targets and to easily orient its activities for implementation.

Relevant Documents:

the following documents will be available for the consultant in order to redefine and detailed his Methodologies:

  • The proposal documents
  • The logframe
  • The M&E Plan and the Indicators Plan.
  • The Organizational Capacity Index (OCI) Results.

Evaluation Design:

The consultant who will carry out this evaluation is invited to develop tools that will be used in this baseline and also for the Endline. In order to track the evolution and the impact of the program via the key indicators.

Evaluation Questions

This evaluation needs to identify and respond to the 5W : “what”, “where” “when” “why” ‘’who’’ and “how”.

This evaluation needs to respect and respond to the 6 evaluation criterias:  RELEVANCE,  EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY, IMPACT, SUSTAINABILITY, and COHERENCE (the new criteria added by the DAC Network on Development Evaluation)

Evaluation Methodology

The baseline evaluation will be implemented in the program intervention regions ( Grand Tunis, Medenine,Seliana, Sousse, Mahdia, Gabes, Sfax, Sidi Bouzid, Gafsa, Kasserine and Kairouan). The local CSOs of those regions, as target of the program, will be the subjects of this evaluation.

The identified consultant must send a methodological note which indicates how to collect quantitative data as well as qualitative one, and make sure to respond on all key indicators.

Description of Deliverables

  • Methodological note: The note will be readapted after revision of the program team. The consultant needs to deliver the methodological note (final version) in order to get the validation of the team.
  • Work schedule: the final version of the methodological note should be accompanied with a work schedule/calendar of achievement. the schedule should include all activities (meetings, focus groups , documentation review, etc)
  • Preliminary report: it is about a first report version that will be revised by the team and shared comments /feedbacks /questions etc.
  • Final report: Including all comments and responding in all questions from the team, the consultant will deliver the final version of the Baseline report.

 Timeframe of the Work

Institutional Arrangement/ Reporting Relationships

The consultant to be engaged to carry out the work, described above, will work closely with the program manager from Mercy Corps.

Payment Milestones and Authority

Criteria for Selecting the Best Offer

Upon the advertisement of the Procurement Notice, qualified consultants will be expected to submit both the Technical and Financial proposals. Accordingly, the consultant will be evaluated based on a Cumulative Analysis per the following conditions:

 Having received the highest scores of the proposals based on the weighted technical and financial criteria:

  • Technical Criteria weighted 70%
  • Financial Criteria weighted 30%

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Have at least a master's degree (or equivalent) in a relevant fields
  • Familiarity with the Tunisian Civil Society
  • An excellent understanding of the functioning and associative challenges in Tunisia;
  • Relevant experience in quantitative and quantitative research and analysis of results
  • Experience in data analysis
  • Proven expertise in writing research
  • Demonstrate facilities in the development of Baseline evaluation
  • Fluent English & French (written and verbal)
  • Computer skills: full command of Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 5 octobre 2020

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