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Consultant m/f/d – Fondation Hanns Seidel عودة إلى الفرص

Fondation Hanns Seidel

يطلق   Appel à consultants

انتهاء الصلاحية

12 نوفمبر 2021 Il y a 3 ans

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الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunis

We live at a time of non-factual narratives, where simple answers to complex questions dominate the political ecosystem. Narratives are increasingly becoming the starting point for political decision-making processes and actual (data-based) facts, rationale and evidence-based judgement are taking a back seat. New technological development also means a shift of power from traditional governments to those who control and own Big Data, including large commercial entities. The impact of good political decision-making is much greater than it used to be. The Hanns Seidel Foundation is therefore creating a project aimed at utilising their collective knowledge and experience and to create a novel project in the interface between data and politics. 

To help us build the project, we look for a 

Consultant m/f/d 

for 3-4 months, who can temporarily work from Tunisia. 


  • Experience with the collection, interpretation, usage and disposal of data for evidence based policy making; 
  • Experience in advising public institutions on opportunities and challenges of data usage for public policies; 
  • Experience in designing and implementing evidence based decision making tools;
  •  Experience with managing the elaboration of studies and publications as well as in organising international conferences; 
  • Sound knowledge of the political and socio-economic context of African countries including the Maghreb region as well as the Middle East; 
  • Knowledge of relevant national and international legal frameworks about the regulation of data;
  • Ideally experience working with German political foundations and with the M&E procedures of the BMZ; 
  • Fluency in German, English and French, working knowledge of Arabic, Portuguese and Spanish is an asset. 


  • Inception report, incl. project matrix and logical framework; 
  • Coordination of an initial study/publication on data in politics in Africa and the Middle East;
  •  Elaboration of a strategy on how to engage the offices of the HSS and their local partners in the project and coordination of the HSS network on data in politics; 
  • Stakeholder-mapping of relevant actors and initiatives in the realm of data sciences in Africa for potential collaborations; 
  • Regular project reports in German as well as punctual analysis of relevant developments regarding data in politics in Africa and the Middle East; 
  • Coordination of the development of data tools for evidence based decision making;
  • Coordination of the organisation of a conference on data in politics in Africa and the Middle East;
  •  Elaboration of a strategy on how to scale up the project data in politics at the global level. 


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