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Islamic Relief Tunisia

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02 Mars 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Jendouba

Consultant to conduct the Baseline and Endline evaluation Analysis within the “Equal access to and enhancement of the socio-economic status of women through strengthening women cooperation” project


  • Project description:


The project aims at reinforcing rural women in Jendouba governorate towards promoting women empowerment and economic growth. The project activities are designed to enhance women’s participation in local governance by developing their capacity in various arenas such as management, increased networking, voicing concerns to local authorities, advocating for rights. Increasing women’s income and networking skills will contribute to their enhanced position in local society, giving them more decision-making power at a community and family level, thereby enhancing gender-equality. The main objective is also to reinforce the empowered beneficiaries’ contribution in the development of their regions

The overall project goal is the following: Contribute to women empowerment through capacity building of CBOs and women association to increase access to income generation, social services and rights.

Project goal:

Improved access of 7 Community-based Women’s Groups (CBWG) under the umbrella of and through the capacity building of 5 Women Associations’ members to basic rights, economic empowerment, and social services in Jendouba Governorate.


Project Sub-goals:

Sub-goal 1: To enhance the organisational capacities of 7 women producer’s groups in well-structured cooperatives (officially formed according to Tunisian legislation) under the umbrella of 5 women associations empowered through the project

Sub-goal 2: To increased women control over climate change adapted income generation through appropriate capacity building and technical trainings 

Sub-goal 3: To Improve financial situation of 7 women groups in Bee-keeping, Essential Oil Extraction and traditional Handicrafts through an adapted local microfinancing system

Sub-goal 3: To Improve financial situation of 7 women groups in Bee-keeping, Essential Oil Extraction and traditional Handicrafts through an adapted local microfinancing system

Sub-goal 4: To Improved Targeted Women access to basic rights and services through institutional and organisational development of 5 women associations in well-structured federation and capacities building in gender-equity, environmental protection, women rights promotion, networking, advocacy, and participation to governance.


  • Description of the intervention:

The expert will be responsible for producing a baseline study and final evaluation report of the project. The objective of this mission is to establish the detailed baseline situation for the indicators of the project subgoals and determine the relevance and level of achievement of project objectives, development effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. 

The Baseline Survey is designed to produce indicators related to rural women regarding education, training, social activities, health care, and employment. Data from women groups in seven intervention zone in Jendouba governorate is already collected.

The report should reflect in-depth information from direct beneficiaries and the issues they are facing and the concerns that they have in generation incomes, with a focus on skills building needs in particular. 

Understand participants’ views and recommendations on local level solutions and engagement in community initiatives. The study should also identify factors that may affect the achievement of project objectives.

  • Targeted groups :

The targeted groups for the Baseline/Endline survey are members of seven women groups created within the project

Main responsibilities:

The consultant will:

  • Determine the work methodology for each phase.
  • Manage, plan, and ensure the necessary meetings with the project and the MEAL teams.
  • Analyze the results obtained from Baseline Survey .
  • Measuring the achievement of project results through the endline Survey
  • Prepare a final report on the conducted interventions including the lessons learned and the recommendations.


  • Deliverables:

Deliverable 1: Preparation of the study framework note including a detailed work plan with project schedule, data collection tools, and the methodology.

Deliverable 2: Two reports on the conducted Baseline and end-line survey incorporating the lessons learned and the recommendations.


  • Eligibility criteria:


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in data management, social science, human rights, conflict studies or any other related fields.
  • Having at least 6 years of relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation and / or strategic planning.
  • Excellent level in Arabic and English, oral and written.
  • Demonstrated experience in research and consultancy with NGOs in Tunisia, especially in the field of migration 
  • Familiar with statistical data analysis software. 


  • Selection procedures:


Score (max 100)
Areas of expertise
Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of monitoring and evaluation methodologies, and strategies. 15
Experience with working on quantitative and qualitative databases, gender analysis and data collection 15
Experience with statistical data analysis software. Excellent writing skills. 10
Diploma related to the subject of the consultancy 5
Profile and experience related to monitoring and evaluation and data analysis 10
Methodological approach
Quality of the technical offer 15
Respect the proposed calendar 10
Financial offer (20% of the score) 20


The final reports, as well as the related supporting documents must be sent to the IRT no later than 31 March 2022 for the baseline report and no later than 20 July 2022 for the End-line evaluation report.


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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 24 February 2022

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