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Consultant-Islamic Relief Tunisia Retour vers les opportunités


19 Novembre 2021 Il y a 3 years

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Islamic Relief Tunisia

Terms of reference for the recruitment of a consultant to conduct the Needs/Vulnerability Assessment and gender analysis within the “Libyan Lives Matter” project

Project description :

The Libyan Lives Matter project aims at reinforcing the urban settlement of the most vulnerable migrants coming from Libya to Tunisia through providing access to improved protection environment, especially for women and children, access to health facilities and psychosocial support and quality education. Its main objective is also to reinforce the interaction and peaceful coexistence with the host community throughout the implementation of common activities between Libyan and Tunisian children. 

The main project components will result in a community of Libyan migrants with a decreased number of health issues, an increasing quality of physically and mentally stable individuals, an improved social integration of migrants, a better protection for vulnerable families and an increased number of well-educated children. Mainly this project will participate in saving lives and improving the dynamic of socioeconomic life for both migrants and hosting communities.   

The overall project intervention is the following:


Project Outcomes
Outcome1: Enhanced healthcare service provision for Libyan migrants

Outcome 2: Strengthened psycho-social and protection services for Libyan migrants

Outcome 3: Improved safe, learning environment for Libyan school age girls and boys


Project Outputs
Output 1.1:  Increased access to quality basic health services for most vulnerable migrants.   

Output 1.2:  Improved medical coverage for Migrants with chronic diseases. 

Output 1.3: Increased awareness about maternal and reproductive Health among Migrant Women


Output 2.1: Improved referral system and networking

Output 2.2: Increased access to psychosocial support for the most vulnerable migrants 

Output 2.3: Increased awareness about Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), women rights among vulnerable migrants’ women

Output 3.1. Increased access to quality education for targeted school-aged children.

Output 3.2. Improved quality of education through capacity building of teachers and extracurricular activities

Description of the intervention :

The required intervention will be divided into two phases:

  1. A Needs/vulnerability assessment

The needs/vulnerability assessment will be conducted to identify the most vulnerable families and persons with chronic diseases who will be given priority during the provided healthcare support.

The assessment is designed to produce indicators related to migrants’ welfare regarding shelter, food, water and sanitation, health care, mental care, and employment. Data on Libyan migrants’ status in Tunis, Hammamet and Sfax will be collected.

Gather in-depth information from migrants and the issues they are facing and the concerns that they have in the current crisis, with a focus on education needs and protection risks in particular.

Understand participants’ views and recommendations on local level solutions and engagement in community initiatives.

  1. B) Gender Analysis: 

This activity will be conducted with the Libyan migrant men/women, girls and boys in the targeted regions of Tunis, Hammamet and Sfax in order to:

  • Understand the socio-economic situation and the gender issues as well as the challenges of the targeted groups.
  • Determine the targeted groups’ needs and interests.
  • Collect Sex, Age and Disability Disaggregated Data (SADDD) for the targeted groups.

Complete gender analysis and present comprehensive data on: gender norms, gender roles and responsibilities, decision making and leadership, access to services and information, safety and protection, coping mechanisms, as well as needs, constraints and opportunities of girls, boys, young women and young men.

 Set the areas of priority for the response and provide a set of recommendations for current and future programming that respond to the needs of targeted beneficiaries. The consultant will be supervised directly by the Project Coordinator of the Libyan Lives Matter Project.

Targeted groups :

The targeted groups for the Needs/Vulnerability assessment are the Libyan migrant families with school-aged children in the three Libyan schools of Tunis, Hammamet and Sfax.

For the gender analysis, the targeted groups are the Libyan migrant men, women, boys and girls in the above-mentioned targeted regions.

Main responsibilities:

The consultant will:

  • Determine the work methodology for each phase.
  • Prepare the vulnerability/needs assessment questionary in collaboration with the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) and the project teams.
  • Manage, plan, and ensure the necessary meetings with the project and the MEAL teams.
  • Provide a training for the project team and the MEAL team on how to conduct data collection with migrants.
  • Analyse the results obtained.
  • Analyse the gender analysis findings including both quantitative (statistics) and qualitative data (analytical and relative).
  • Prepare a final report on the conducted interventions including the lessons learned and the recommendations.

NB: The consultant will be responsible for leading the exercise in terms of development of methodology and tools, organizing data collection, analysis and report writing. Throughout the process, the Migrants project Team and MEAL team will provide technical guidelines and review deliverables in addition to facilitating contact between the consultant and IRT partners in the different targeted locations for data collection purposes. A more detailed division of roles will be communicated upon the initiation of the assessment.


A: Overview

Deliverable 1: Preparation of the work plan, timeline, data collection tools, an ethics and safety protocol, and methodology in a Power Point presentation for the project and MEAL teams prior to the intervention.

Deliverable 2: Preparation of the needs and gender questionnaires and prepare the data collection guidelines and timeline.

Deliverable 3: Conduct a training for the project and MEAL staff on how to conduct a data collection with the migrants.

Deliverable 4: Analyze the findings of the needs assessment and the gender analysis using the Sex and Age Disaggregated Data (SADD) including the outputs and indicators. 

Deliverable 5: Two final reports on the conducted needs and gender assessments incorporating the various comments from the initial PPT presentation from the project and MEAL staff as well as the outcomes’ indicators are shared .


Eligibility criteria


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in data management, social science, human rights, conflict studies or any other related fields.
  • -Having at least 6 years of relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation and / or strategic planning.
  • -Excellent level in Arabic and English, oral and written.
  • Demonstrated experience in research and consultancy with NGOs in Tunisia, especially in the field of migration 
  • Familiar with statistical data analysis software. 

Selection procedures :

The final report – narrative and financial – of the activity, as well as the supporting documents relating to the total expenditure made within the framework of the activity, must be sent to the IRT no later than 31/12/2021 for the Needs/Vulnerability assessment and no later than 15/02/2022 for the gender analysis.

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 9 November 2021

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