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Consultant – Industrial Zone Management Feasibility Study – FSVC Retour vers les opportunités


07 Août 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

Position:    Short-term Consultant – Industrial Zone Management Feasibility Study

Location:  Tunis

Deadline:  August 7, 2020

Duration of the mission: 15 man-days (2 weeks)



About FSVC:

The mission of FSVC is to help build sound financial sectors to support healthy market-oriented economies in developing and emerging market countries.  FSVC structures practical, demand-driven technical assistance and training missions staffed by senior financial sector professionals.


In 2019, Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) launched a project to build the capacity of the Chambers of Commerce (CoCs) of the Northwest, Southeast and Southwest of Tunisia to serve as major drivers of local development and investment within their communities. To do so, FSVC is strengthening the internal capacities of the CoCs to provide meaningful services to their members and promote private sector development.

About the Assignment:  

FSVC is looking for a short-term technical consultant to conduct a feasibility study for the potential management of an Industrial Zone (IZ) by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of North West.  The Consultant is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • Map out the regulatory framework related to the study; And:
  • Assess the current services provided by a pilot IZ (to be defined) in the northwest region. The assessment will include a gap analysis with a well-performing Tunisian IZ

Identify potential services that can that be improved and/or developed by the pilot IZ and provide a clearly-articulated plan on how the CoC can possibly take over the management of the IZ to develop lucrative services for businesses located in the IZ.


To do so, the Consultant will

  • Draft an inception report detailing the methodology that will be employed to achieve the assignment ( including survey);
  • Undertake on-site visits in the target IZ to assess the needs of the established businesses;
  • Conduct a series of consultations with relevant stakeholders (the CoC, the land management agency ( AFI) along with local sub-national government institutions);
  • Draft a report summarizing the main findings; And:
  • Organize a stakeholder’s workshop to present the main findings of the study

Critères d'éligibilité

  • The consultant should have practical experience in urban design and planning and familiar with the functioning of an IZ. The project may be conducted in French.

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 29 juillet 2020

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