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18 Août 2024 Il y a 6 mois

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Conducting a Youth and Stakeholders ‘Mapping and Needs Assessment in the Cite El Khadra and the governorate of Tunis 

  1. Context 

Ifrikya Center for Common Ground (ICCG) 

ICCG is a Tunisian non-profit organization established on December 13, 2021, dedicated to promoting social cohesion through conflict transformation. The organization fosters a culture of dialogue and diversity in Tunisia, engaging youth, public institutions, civil society organizations (CSOs), media actors, and local authorities. ICCG’s strategic objectives include peacebuilding, socio-economic inclusion, citizen engagement, participatory governance, and strengthening social fabric. 

Project Overview 

The project, “Pathways to Employment and Resilience: A Step Forward Towards Economic Inclusion for Youth in Tunisia,” is in close collaboration with CNLCT (Commission Nationale de Lutte Contre le Terrorisme auprès de La Présidence du Gouvernement) and is funded by Hedayah. The project aims to strengthen Tunisian youth’s resilience to factors of radicalisation potentially leading to Violent Extremism through economic inclusion. It seeks to improve youth’s employability skills and provide them with economic alternatives that could contribute to reducing their socio-economic grievances.The project will target youth in Cité El Khadra, Tunis and will be implemented in collaboration between ICCG and Moughayroun – The Changers. 

  1. Objectives of the Youth and Stakeholders’ Mapping and Needs Assessment The primary objective of the Youth and Stakeholders’ Mapping and Needs Assessment is to identify and analyze the job market landscape in terms of the type of the digital and non-digital skills that employers and companies need, and to identify existing job or internship opportunities within those companies. The Youth and Stakeholders’ Mapping and Needs Assessment will also provide a comprehensive review of youth’s digital, non-digital and soft skills. Additionally, the Needs Assessment will highlight youth’s needs and aspirations, focusing on what they are lacking and what they would like to do.. This review will inform the project’s implementation strategy to effectively enhance youth employment prospects and resilience, and ensure the design of adequate training curriculum responding to the results of the Needs Assessment. The Mapping will identify and analyze the key stakeholders involved in or impacted by the project. It aims to understand their roles, interests, and influence, identify potential partners, and guide the project’s engagement and collaboration strategies. This will enhance the project’s impact and sustainability by leveraging stakeholder resources and support. Specifically, the Mapping will list

all relevant stakeholders, assess their interests and influence, understand their relationships and networks to identify synergies and develop tailored engagement strategies. 

  1. Scope of Work 

The project will be implemented in the region of Cité El Khadra, Tunis, targeting youth aged between 18 and 35, with a particular focus on those who are unemployed or underemployed. Key stakeholders involved in the project include local authorities, private and public institutions, employers, civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth. This collaborative approach aims to address the socio-economic challenges faced by youth and enhance their employability and resilience to guarantee long-term economic inclusion. 

  1. Methodology 

The Youth and Stakeholders’ Mapping and Needs Assessment methodology will be determined by the consultant in collaboration with ICCG and Hedayah, based on ICCG and Hedayah’s requirements. ICCG requests that the methodology includes the following steps: 

As a first step, a Desk Research will be implemented to briefly review any existing reports, studies, and data on youth employment, and access to the labor market in Tunis, specifically in Cité El Khadra. 

Then a qualitative approach will be applied through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs): 15 KIIs will be conducted with companies and employers in the governorate of Tunis. The KIIs will also target public institutions, the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment, Employment offices, and any other relevant public or private institutions. 

Finally, a quantitative approach will be applied through the distribution of questionnaires (surveys) among youth. A Questionnaire targeting 300 youth in Cité El Khadra to gather quantitative data on employment status, youth’s needs, skills and aspirations will be submitted. The questionnaire will be disseminated offline in Cité El Khadra through the employment office, youth center and other relevant actors at the local level that have direct contact with youth. The questionnaire will also be disseminated online through ICCG and Moughayroun FB pages. 

Therefore, a total of 300 people will be targeted by the questionnaire during this Needs Assessment and 15 stakeholders will be interviewed. The Consultant will suggest the best method to sample the youth in the quantitative survey. 

Inclusiveness: the methodology should ensure representation of gender, educational backgrounds, and socio-economic statuses, while taking into account the differences between male and female participants’ needs in terms of preferred digital, non-digital, and soft skills, and employment opportunities.

To ensure a better understanding of the key findings, data should be disaggregated by age, gender, socio-economic conditions and disability status if any. ICCG and Hedayah teams will review and approve the methodology and tools designed by the consultant, before data collection begins, as well as provide feedback on the draft final report. 

Furthermore, the consultant must abide by the different Ethical Principles including: 

  • Honesty and Transparency: the consultant should be honest and transparent with the contractor about any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan, or any risk that may lead to misleading information. Any changes made and the reasons why those changes have been made should be communicated immediately to the ICCG team. 
  • Respect: the consultant must respect the security and dignity of respondents and project participants at all times. The consultant must respect the privacy of participants and differences among them, including culture, religion, gender, disability and age. 
  1. Deliverables 

The consultant will be working in close collaboration with ICCG’s Programs Manager, and is expected to deliver the following: 

  1. Inception Report: Outlining the proposed methodology, tools, and timeline.
  2. 2. Draft Youth and Stakeholders’ Mapping and Needs Assessment Report: Presenting initial findings and insights. 
  3. Final Youth and Stakeholders’ Mapping and Needs Assessment Report: Incorporating feedback from ICCG and Hedayah. 
  4. Presentation of Findings to ICCG, Moughayroun – The Changers, Hedayah, and key stakeholders in Cité El Khadra. 
  5. Logistical Support 

ICCG will share all the available project documents and materials with the consultant. Costs for all transportation should be included in the submitted proposals. 

  1. Timeline 

The Youth and Stakeholders Mapping and Needs Assessment will be conducted over a one-month period (30 days) with a total number of 10 working days. The below timeline will be followed:

  • Activities Deadline

Contract Signature :July 24th, 2024

Submission of Inception Report and data :18August  2024

collection tools

Field Work (distribution of the questionnaire

August 21st, 2024:and KIIs with the relevant stakeholders)

Data Recording and Analysis :August 23rd, 2024

Submission of the first Draft :August 26th, 2024

Submission of Final Report after the :August 30th, 2024 

incorporation of the feedback

Presentation of Findings TBD


  1. Requirements 

The consultant must have: 

  • Very good knowledge of English, French, and Arabic. 
  • Over 3 years of experience in conducting Needs assessments and Stakeholders mapping exercises (required) 
  • 2 years of experience in CVE/PVE and socio-economic assessments (desirable).
  •  Knowledge of Tunisian socio-economic context and labor market (required) 
  • Strong background in qualitative and quantitative research techniques, questionnaire design, and data analysis (required). 


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Very good knowledge of English, French, and Arabic. 
  • Over 3 years of experience in conducting Needs assessments and Stakeholders mapping exercises (required)
  •  Knowledge of Tunisian socio-economic context and labor market (required) 
  • Strong background in qualitative and quantitative research techniques, questionnaire design, and data analysis (required). 
  •   2 years of experience in CVE/PVE and socio-economic assessments (desirable).

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 5 juillet 2024

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