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Consultant – FHI360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

Lance   Appel à consultants


08 Novembre 2020 Il y a 4 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Lutte contre l'extrémisme

Consultancy to support the development of the Solutions to VE (SOLVE) Dialogues


FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff includes experts in civil society, peacebuilding, health, nutrition, education, economic development, environment and research. FHI 360 operates from 60 offices with 4,200 staff in the U.S. and around the world. Our commitment to partnerships at every level and our multidisciplinary approach enable us to have a lasting impact on the individuals, communities and countries we serve–improving lives for millions.

Ma3an (Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment project):

Ma3an (“Together” in Arabic) is a five-year (September 2018 – August 2023), $48.5 million USAID project that engages some of Tunisia’s most vulnerable communities as the engines of their own transformation. Ma3an will work with 33 communities in 15 governorates across Tunisia. The project’s goal — to increase capacity of communities to withstand political, social, and economic stresses and shocks — is supported by three interrelated objectives:

  • Objective 1: Community resilience is strengthened.
  • Objective 2: Tunisian capabilities to prevent and counter violent extremism are enhanced.
  • Objective 3: Build capacity of Tunisian partners to sustain and replicate the model.

Background on Solutions to VE Dialogues (SOLVE):

Under Objective 2, desk research will inform Ma3an’s selection of four Phase 2 communities that are most directly affected
by VE (e.g., Sidi Abdelhamid, Sijoumi, Hraira, Kairouan North). In collaboration with the CT Commission’s local
representatives and select local partners, Ma3an will then:

  • Conduct desk research and key informant interviews to update our understanding of the VE drivers and dynamics in these communities and produce a Community VE Dynamics Snapshot.
  • Ma3an and local partners will conduct a rapid stakeholder mapping activity to identify up to 30 local actors active in P/CVE in each community, including individuals working in relevant governmental structures (e.g., the Centre de Défense et d’Intégration Sociale [CDIS]), CSOs, and youth-led grassroots organizations, and individuals active in influencing youth, such as artists, bloggers, and YouTubers.
  • Ma3an will convene a Solutions to VE (SOLVE) Dialogue with stakeholders identified during the mapping activity to validate the Community VE Dynamics Snapshot, add to it any existing or planned efforts, and develop three priority mitigation actions to directly address identified VE dynamics and drivers.
  • Ma3an will then fund up to three VE mitigation activities in each of the four Phase 2 communities.
  • Following, Ma3an will coordinate with the CT commission local representative and the local partner to develop a methodology to continually update the Community VE Dynamics Snapshot. Ma3n will also coordinate with local stakeholders when additional responses to VE are needed.
  • SOLVE Dialogues may also be held later in Year 3 in up to six of the Phase 3 communities.

This consultancy will support the development of the Solutions to VE (SOLVE) Dialogues. This will include developing a detailed

SOLVE Dialogue facilitation guide and accompanying materials, conducting a Training of Trainers for up to 8 SOLVE Dialogue
facilitators, and possibly co-facilitating one or more of the four Phase 2 SOLVE Dialogues.

Deliverables/Outputs & Due Dates:

The consultant and technical monitor will coordinate closely on the tasks, deliverables and due dates outlined below, and will
agree on changes to them as needed within the set scope, period of performance and agreed upon LOE for this consultancy.

This consultancy is a 19-day assignment starting 17 November 2020 and ending December 18th, 2020.


Project Deliverables:

  • SOLVE Dialogue facilitator guide.
  • SOLVE Dialogue agenda and materials.
  • SOLVE Dialogue ToT report


Selection Criteria:

The consultant will be selected based on the following 100 pts criteria:

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 27 October 2020

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