أعبّر عن رأيي

Consultant – DIGNITY عودة إلى الفرص

انتهاء الصلاحية

30 أكتوبر 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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تفاصيل الفرصة

الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunisie

Researcher for analysis of perceptions of urban violence in Raoued

DIGNITY is looking for a skilled consultant to conduct a mapping and an analysis of perceptions of Urban violence in the municipality of Raoued and on the relations between civil society actors, the municipality and the police.


DIGNITY is an independent nongovernmental anti-torture organization founded in 1982 in Denmark. DIGNITY is present in more than 20 partner countries with more than thirty years of experience in the rehabilitation of torture and organized violence survivors, in the prevention of torture and in the prevention of urban violence.

In January 2012, DIGNITY opened an office in Tunisia to coordinate an extensive support programme for Tunisian State stakeholders (Ministry of Justice and Civil Society) through cooperation partnerships comprising 3 axes: One axis of prevention, combatting torture and access to justice, an axis for the rehabilitation of the survivors of torture and recently an axis of urban violence prevention.

DIGNITY is working towards establishing a world without torture where no one is subject to torture or other forms of inhumane and degrading treatment and, where torture practices no longer continue to affect survivors and their families. The current strategy provides the framework for our work to ensure rehabilitation of survivors and their families within the overall aim:
“Traumatized survivors of torture and other forms of inhumane treatment or violence have timely and equal access to quality rehabilitation that restores normality in family, work, and community life.”

Assignment: Analysis of Perceptions of urban violence in Raoued

Background: In the past few years urban violence has become an increasingly important focus for state organizations and the local population in Tunisia. DIGNITY is conducting an exploratory study to further understand the phenomenon of urban violence in the area of Raoued and how it is perceived by the different actors. . The consultancy will feed into DIGNITY’s explorative work on urban violence and will be involving different actors notably the civil society organizations, Municipality, local authorities and governmental agencies and local community. this work will present a first step to create a positive dynamic between relevant actors in order to develop an inclusive and collaborative response to the issue.


The objective is to map the different perceptions of urban violence in Raoued with a focus on civil society, the municipality and the police’s understandings of the urban violence. A special focus should be given to the different stakeholders’ understanding of why it does happen and what is their role in preventing and/or mitigating it.

Scope of work and specific objectives

The study should be primarily based on interviews and consultations with the relevant social actors in the area notably civil society organizations, the municipality, local authorities, and police;

Secondary through analysis of laws, media material, accounts and reports from government and

The consultant will use a participative process, involving the main stakeholders and supported by local organization.

It is important that the focus of the study is not on who is responsible for the current situation but instead on what happens and how. Therefore, the analysis of the gathered material should also include reflections of the different use and perceptions of the term “urban violence”.


The consultant is expected to rely on:

  • Expert interviews
  • Focus group interviews
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Stakeholder interviews (municipality, police, civil society)
  • Online research (media analysis)
  • Law and policy reviews

Deliverables and deadlines

  • We estimate that the consultant will spend a maximum of 35 workdays on the assignment.
  • A 10,000-word descriptive and analytic report in English including answers to the questions raised by the study to be delivered by December 17th. A first draft should be delivered on December 3rd to DIGNITY and key stakeholders for their input.
  • A presentation of the results to key stakeholders such as the municipality and civil society actors.

شروط الترشّح

  • M.A. or Ph.D. in Social Science, for example Anthropology, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Human Rights, Conflict studies or a related field
  • Demonstrated experience in research and consultancy with NGOs in Tunisia
  • Proven experience of research and analysis of urban violence or other related themes in Tunisia
  • Fluency (written and spoken) in English and in Arabic
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct research in complex and conflictual environments and on highly politicized topics
  • Demonstrated knowledge and skills in Microsoft Office Suite (other technical abilities an advantage)
  • Demonstrated analytical skills, particularly in stakeholder analysis
  • Demonstrated ability to work in an international, multi-cultural and professional environment
  • Demonstrated organizational skills and ability to achieve results in a timely manner
  • Self-motivated, flexible, creative, and ability to work independently

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