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Consultant – DAMJ Retour vers les opportunités


13 Décembre 2020 Il y a 4 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

DAMJ is seeking a consultant for its project with DIGNITY.

Scope :

DAMJ is hiring a consultant for a project in partnership with DIGNITY- Danish Institute against Torture. The Project proposes to conduct a qualitative study the results will support the outline the advocacy plan of action. The survey will specifically target LGBTIQ++individuals who served their detention period under article 230 and aims at assessing their detention conditions. The results will not necessarily be made public, but a short summary can be used as an advocacy tool.


  • To propose an adapted methodology for the survey.
  • To propose a road map for the work over the three months period
  • To prepare the survey and a desk study on the detention conditions of LGBTQI++
  • To ensure the study properly assesses the conditions
  • To draft a summary or a full analysis that will be used for advocacy and M&E
  • To ensure the project objectives are met
  • To participate in the advocacy of the project
  • To advise in networking of the stakeholders of the project
  • To guide discussions between partners

Contract period:

The contract period will cover the period of 3 months and a total of 30 working hours to be used as the consultant and the team see fits.


  • A qualitative study about the LGBTIQ++ individuals in detention places.
  • Adapted Work methodology
  • Research related primary data (such as interview, focus groups, reports)
  • To review the methodology of a survey which will be conducted on the conditions of detention of LGBTQI++ individuals.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • An extensive work experience with NGOs in the field of detention and human rights
  • A Masters or a PHD degree in International relations, gender studies, or human rights
  • A detailed knowledge in Human rights and particularly in LGBTQI++ individual rights
  • A thorough knowledge in the judicial process in Tunisia
  • Excellent analytical and assessment skills
  • Proficiency in English, French and Arabic is desired

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 2 December 2020

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