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Consultancy to Collect Data for the Hate Speech and VE Lexicon Survey – FHI 360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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09 Août 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Ariana et 24 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Santé et 4 autre(s) domaines


FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff includes experts in civil society, peacebuilding, health, nutrition, education, economic development, environment and research. FHI 360 operates from 60 offices with 4,200 staff in the U.S. and around the world. Our commitment to partnerships at every level and our multidisciplinary approach enable us to have a lasting impact on the individuals, communities and countries we serve–improving lives for millions.

Ma3an (Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment project)

The Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment Activity, known as Ma3an (“Together” in Arabic), is a five-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project’s implementation period is from September 1, 2018 until August 31, 2023. The goal for the project is to increase the capacity of communities to withstand political, social, and economic stresses and shocks. FHI 360 is the prime implementer for the project in partnership with over 30 NGOs.

Ma3an will spur more than 30 of Tunisia’s most vulnerable communities to action and generate sustainable resources for development in areas that are vulnerable to instability and violent extremism (VE). With the goal of increasing the capacity of communities to withstand political, social, and economic stresses and shocks, Ma3an will provide communities, including youth, civil society, government, and private sector stakeholders, with the tools and resources needed to operate sustainable development.

Background of the Lexicon study

This study will focus on the use of online messaging used to vilify other groups and to radicalize youth in Tunisia. The study will also examine how youth are responding to this messaging. The purpose of the study is to acquire a deep understanding of the language used by individuals and groups on online platforms to demean each other and call for violence, and by VEOs to radicalize and recruit youth, and whether youth and communities have developed repertoires of counter-arguments and narratives to this messaging. Specifically, the study will:

  • To acquire an understanding of the Tounsi terms and phrases that violent extremist groups use to incite hate and fear, and to attract and recruit Tunisians.
  • To acquire an understanding of the Tounsi terms and phrases that are used to promote peace and tolerance, and to counter, or offer alternative narratives, to those used by violent extremists.
  • To determine where (including which social media sites) violent extremist groups are reaching their intended audience in Tunisia.
  • To use the understanding acquired through goals 1-3 to design effective Ma3an communications-related activities aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism in Tunisia.

The primary outcome of the study is a two-sided lexicon composed of a set of hate speech and VE terms and narratives, as well as a repertoire of terms and narratives that are used to counter them on online platforms. As a secondary outcome, the lexicon will also provide contextual information on how these stories and narratives are used to propagate hate and VE. The Ma3an team will use the lexicon to develop training materials for young social media
influencers selected from communities most vulnerable to VE to reinforce their capacity to counter online hate speech and VE narratives.

This research study will primarily rely on data collected through a survey administered in person or a computer assisted phone. The survey will ask participants to identify terms used in hate speech and VE messaging on online platforms, and about their use of social media. This is the initial step in identifying a VE and hate speech lexicon that provides the basis for developing alternative and counter narratives to VE. The survey will be conducted with a
sample of 250 youth between the age of 18 and 29 years selected randomly from the 10 targetcommunities above. The survey sample will include 70% of respondents that are not in education, employment or training (NEET) and 30% non-NEET. Ma3an will hire a specialized research company to accomplish data collection for the survey. The Ma3an research team will receive the raw data set from the hired company and will be responsible for producing analysis and conclusions from the survey data.

Consultancy Justification

Ma3an is looking to hire an experienced research firm to conduct survey data collection for the first part of the study. This will include, sampling, survey administration and data cleaning. The firm is NOT responsible for analyzing data and producing the study report. These will be undertaken by Ma3an.

FHI360 has designed the methodology and quantitative survey instrument (draft in annex) and will be responsible for translating the survey into Arabic and conducting the analysis.

The table below summarizes the key methodology elements for background:

Project Steps & Timeline

The Hate Speech and VE Lexicon Study is a 22 days assignment starting 20 August 2020 and ending 11 September 2020. Full study timeline and responsibilities are outlined below, in light blue the research firm responsibilities and level of effort:

Project Deliverables

  • Survey sampling plan.
  • Raw data sets in Excel CSV format.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Competence for conducting data collection processes. 3pts
  • Capacity to use random sampling techniques. 1 pts
  • Firm has in place, and practices, strong data collection and management ethics and principles 2 pts
  • Proposed data collection manager and enumerators are properly trained and qualified. 2pts
  • Detailed budget for the study 2pts

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