12 Juillet 2021 Il y a 4 ans
Region: Tunisia
Application deadline: 12 July 2021
The Voices for Climate Action (VCA) programme is a lobby and advocacy programme being implemented by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Netherlands, SouthSouthNorth (SSN), Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Fundación Avina and Hivos under the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ five-year strategic partnership: “Power of Voices”. The programme aims to ensure that by 2025, local civil society and underrepresented groups will have taken on a central role as creators, facilitators and advocates of innovative and inclusive climate solutions. Their inclusion is crucial for effective and lasting climate responses. It is also crucial , because the climate crisis is also a societal challenge with ethical and human rights aspects occurring alongside a number of inequalities based on gender, socioeconomic class, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, and age.
The overall approach of the programme is to work with civil society to build widespread societal support for locally shaped climate solutions through an inclusive and rights-based approach. This includes building a broad-based climate alliance at country level, bridging divides (urban-rural, gender, youth) that amplifies voices in new unusual ways. In addition, it will influence national and global policies and financial flows (e.g. climate finance, private sector investments) in support of these locally shaped solutions. Climate justice approach Climate change is essentially a human rights issue because of its devastating effect on human life – and rights. It exacerbates existing inequalities between rich and poor, ethnicities, sexes, generations and communities. It undermines democracy and threatens the economy and development at large. Likewise, by far the greatest burden falls on those already in poverty and on underrepresented groups such as Indigenous peoples, the rural and urban poor, women and youth, although they are the least responsible for climate change. Through a climate justice approach, the programme intends to see an expanded civic space where civil society voices, in particular those of indigenous and/or marginalised people are heard on climate action.
The programmes main strategic interventions are centred around the following three pillars
This programme is being implemented in Tunisia by consortium members AMwA, Hivos, SSN and WWF NA. We are seeking consultants for conducting and facilitating discussions between stakeholders to review the theory of change.
To ensure the program is being designed by taking into account local voices and actual contexts, validation of the ToC and programme indicator selection with partners and allies are a necessary first step. Continuous learning and insights would need to be documented and integrated into the program design to make the programme approach and strategies more effective to achieve desired outcomes. To this end, Hivos, WWF NA, Akina Mama Wa Afrika and SouthSouthNorth are seeking a Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) consultant to develop and establish a baseline study. We are looking for an enthusiastic, skilled and flexible consultant with PMEL expertise, excellent knowledge about the national context of climate justice and civic space in Tunisia and excellent communication and facilitation skills. Someone who have previous experience in undertaking baseline studies and developing PMEL for scopes of work focused on advocacy and capacity building. S/he will be highly energized by working with partners from the community and global level, love a challenging, yet rewarding environment to work in.
To assess the current political, social and economic context in Tunisia in view of the Voice for Climate Action programme, to validate the Theory of Change and programme indicator selection with partners and allies are a necessary first step. Knowing and analyzing the current situation regarding climate change, civic participation and engagement, youth & gender is a crucial step to establish a baseline necessary in comparing, measuring, and informing the implementation of the VCA programme and drawing out mitigation measures to respond to identified risks. Continuous learnings and insights would need to be documented based on this baseline. The study can also help to improve the program design to make the approach and strategies more inclusive and effective for achieving desired outcomes. To this end, the alliance of VCA Tunisia program is seeking a Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) consultant to conduct and establish a baseline study and to facilitate the ToC validation & indicator selection.
baseline study
The baseline study has the following objectives:
Theory of change (ToC) Validation and indicator selection
Facilitating and documenting the ToC review & validation have the following objectives:
Within the overall guidance as stipulated for VCA (see guidance note) For the baseline study:
For the ToC validation Facilitate the validation of the program’s Theory of Change in collaboration with VCA Tunisia alliance team and partners;
The consultant will undertake the guidelines ToC Indicators validation developed and approved by the alliance at global level as guidance for delivering properly the ToC & indicators. The guidelines explain steps to follow, main questions and instructions to facilitate discussion between key stakeholders and to foster ownership at the lowest level.
The RT will ensure the coordination and explanation of the requirements underlined in the ToC validation guidelines.
The duration of the consultancy is 10 working days divided as follow:
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Publié sur Jamaity le 6 juillet 2021
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