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Consultancy – FHI 360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

Lance   Appel à candidatures


22 Septembre 2021 Il y a 3 years

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Détails de l'opportunité



FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff includes experts in civil society, peacebuilding, health, nutrition, education, economic development, environment and research. FHI 360 operates from 60 offices with 4,200 staff in the U.S. and around the world. Our commitment to partnerships at every level and our multidisciplinary approach enable us to have a lasting impact on the individuals, communities and countries we serve–improving lives for millions.  


FHI 360 in Tunisia  


Ma3an project:  

Ma3an is a five-year project (2018-2023) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The project’s implementation period is from September 1, 2018 until August 31, 2023. The project’s goal is to work with Tunisia’s national and subnational government, civil society and local communities to prevent and counter violent extremism (P/CVE).  


FHI 360 Tunisia is implementing Ma3an project in 33 communities across Tunisia to build the capacity of youth, civil society, and local authorities to combine efforts to develop and implement locally led and context specific activities. These activities are designed to confront the causes of violent extremism and create alternative options and narratives for youth at risk of radicalization and violent extremism.   


Objective of the BID


These responsibilities require a substantial number of collaborations, changing of perceptions, public interaction and engagement, therefore, to encourage youth engagement through dialogues both on social networks and in-person. 


The primary objective of this request for proposal is to invite suitably qualified and experienced service providers to submit proposals to Ma3an project to render Communication Services for a period of at least 12 months from starting date.


Terms of Reference 


The terms of reference serve as a brief on the expectations of Ma3an project. 

The proposal on the required services will have to detail the communication provided services, the implementation plan with time frames and costs. 

The hired Agency is required to: 

  1. Obtain any necessary authorizations/approvals  from the relevant authorities to shoot videos in the field.
  2. All the produced videos should be in FULL HD (1080i)  format ( minimum)
  3.  All raw materials should be submitted to FHI360 Communication team. 
  4. Any media products including pictures, videos…etc. should be approved by FHI360 communication team before publishing and disseminating on social media networks and other media outlets. 
  5. Any potential lodging expenses for field activities will be covered by FHI360. 
  6. The agency must submit prior to any event to be covered the required notice period.
  7. Submit their TAX ID.( patente) 

Selection Criteria: 

  • Proven and demonstrated previous work samples: 40 points 
  • 3 professional references: 25 points 
  • Financial offer: 25 points 
  • The method of payment: 10 points 

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 15 September 2021

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