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Consultancy: Development of a Digital and Non-Digital Training Curriculum-ICCG Retour vers les opportunités


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22 Décembre 2024 Il y a 2 mois

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


  1. Context
    Ifrikya Center for Common Ground (ICCG) is a Tunisian non-profit organization dedicated to promoting social cohesion and economic inclusion through conflict transformation. ICCG aims to foster a culture of dialogue and diversity, particularly among youth, by enhancing their employability and resilience to address socio-economic grievances. As part of its efforts, ICCG is leading the “Pathways to Employment and Resilience” project, which targets youth in Tunisia and aims to develop a comprehensive training curriculum based on the findings of a recent Needs Assessment. This project is funded by Hedayah and the European Union and implemented in collaboration with key partners, including Moughayroun.

ICCG has developed a foundational training and educational package relevant to the theme of employment. The purpose of this consultancy is to refine and tailor the existing materials to meet the current demands of the labor market, ensuring they are relevant and accessible for youth.

  1. Objectives of the Consultancy
    ICCG seeks a qualified consultant to review and adapt ICCG’s existing training and educational package, ensuring it addresses the current needs of the youth labor market in Tunisia. The consultant will tailor the package to include both digital and non-digital modules, with the aim of equipping youth with essential skills for employment, self-employment, and professional development.

The curriculum will cover the following key module categories:

  • Essential Skills for Employment and Self-Employment (CV writing, job interviews, business plan development).
  • Digital Skills for the Workplace (copywriting, design fundamentals, social media management).
  • Soft Skills for the Workplace and Digital Sector (communication, leadership, critical thinking).
  • Technical Digital Skills (tracks in digital marketing, cyber security, content creation, programming, etc.).
  • Additional Module (Based on the findings of the Needs Assessment)
  1. Scope of Work
    The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
  • Review and Adaptation: Review ICCG’s existing training materials and educational resources relevant to employment and adapt them to the current labor market needs and the findings from the Needs Assessment.
  • Curriculum Development: Refine the content to ensure it is comprehensive and accessible both online and offline.
  • Module Design: Ensure that the curriculum includes tailored modules addressing essential and technical skills for employment and entrepreneurship, both in digital and traditional sectors.
  • E-Learning and Face-to-Face Content: Include both online e-learning modules and face-to-face training content, ensuring alignment with identified youth needs.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with ICCG’s partners, including local training centers, to integrate vocational and digital training opportunities within the curriculum.
  1. Methodology
    The consultant is expected to develop the curriculum using the following methodologies:
  • Desk Research: Review ICCG’s existing package, as well as other relevant reports and studies, to ensure the curriculum aligns with market demands and addresses youth aspirations.
  • Collaborative Design: Engage with ICCG, youth participants, and relevant stakeholders to refine the curriculum.
  • Tailored Approach: Ensure the curriculum reflects youth needs and interests, particularly focusing on employment skills, and is accessible for different socio-economic groups.
  1. Deliverables
  • Inception Report: Detailing the methodology, work plan, and timeline.
  • Adapted Training Package: A revised and tailored version of ICCG’s existing training package, incorporating digital and non-digital elements.
  • Draft Curriculum: A draft version of the tailored curriculum for ICCG’s review.
  • Final Curriculum: The final version of the curriculum, incorporating feedback and including all supporting materials and modules.
  • Staff Training: Conduct a final training session for ICCG and Moyghayroun staff to ensure proper implementation and sustainability of the curriculum.
  1. Timeline
    The consultancy will be conducted over a one-month period, with an estimated 21 working days. The following key deadlines apply:
  • Inception Report: Within 5 working days of contract signing.
  • Draft Curriculum: Within 15 working days of contract signing.
  • Final Curriculum: Within 21working days of contract signing.
  • ICCG and The Changers Staff Training: Within 21 working days of contract signing.
  1. Required Qualifications
  • Proven experience in curriculum development, particularly in digital skills and employment-related training.
  • Knowledge of Tunisia’s socio-economic context and labor market.
  • Experience working with youth, particularly in vulnerable contexts.
  • Proficiency in English, French, and Arabic.



Critères d'éligibilité

  • Experience working with youth, particularly in vulnerable contexts.
  • Knowledge of Tunisia’s socio-economic context and labor market.
  • Proficiency in English, French, and Arabic.
  • Proven experience in curriculum development, particularly in digital skills and employment-related training.

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 29 novembre 2024

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