13 Septembre 2024 Il y a 6 mois
Consultancy: Baseline Study for the project
“My school – Attractive, open and inclusive- ودامجة ومنفتحة جاذبة مدرستي“
Ifrikya Center for Common Ground (ICCG) is a Tunisian non-profit organization, established on December 13, 2021, in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 2011-88 of September 24, 2011, on the organization of associations to promote social cohesion in Tunisia. ICCG is a Tunisian peacebuilding NGO that aims to promote sustainable social cohesion in Tunisian society through conflict transformation.
Ifrikya Center for Common Ground in Tunisia:
ICCG’s strategy for Tunisia includes promoting the culture of dialogue and diversity through the involvement of all parts of society while building their capacities. ICCG works in Tunisia to help members of Tunisian society to address conflicts and differences constructively through cooperation and dialogue. ICCG works across multiple channels, mainly with youth, public institutions, CSOs, media actors, and local authorities to build the capacity of individuals and institutions to address challenges including differences and act on common points. ICCG’s main strategic objectives include: (i) contributing to peacebuilding in Tunisia through fostering a culture of dialogue and education based on values of citizenship, and tolerance, (ii) promoting socio economic inclusion and protection of vulnerable groups; (iii) strengthening citizens’ engagement and equal participation of men and women in public life. (iv) enhancing participatory and inclusive governance; (v) strengthening the Tunisian social fabric through better cooperation and coordination between different members of the society.
The Project
ICCG is implementing a 18 month project titled “My school – Attractive, open and inclusive ودامجة ومنفتحة جاذبة مدرستي “targeting 128 schools, located in the regions of Kairouan (80) and Siliana (48). The project is funded by GCERF, implemented by ICCG and its two partners; the Tunisian Scout and the National Union of Tunisian Women (UNFTK), under the auspices of the
Tunisian National Counter-Terrorism Commission (CNLCT) and the Ministry of Education (MoE). The project leverages peace education tools and innovative educational approaches to address factors, potentially, leading to violence and violent extremism in Tunisian schools. The overall objective of the project is to increase community resilience to violent extremism through a more attractive, open, inclusive school that is actively engaged in instilling human rights and peace values in children.
The project is expected to achieve the following results:
The purpose of the baseline study is to collect information on target groups related to the planned intervention of the programme, design and collect data on all outcome indicators of the project as described in the results framework of the project. The methodology of the baseline should be replicable for endline processes as well as for the ongoing monitoring processes. The baseline survey will provide the benchmarks against which any changes resulting from the project interventions and results will be measured. The baseline assessment will be the basis to evaluate the project’s performance and progress over time.
The baseline study will allow ICCG and its partners to:
– Analyze and understand the different multilevel factors (individual, family, community, that may lead to risky behavior, violence and violent extremism among Tunisian pupils in the target local communities;
– Understand how Tunisian pupils in the target local communities are engaged with their schools and with their local communities;
– Understand the contribution of local communities’ members, in particular women, in the prevention of violent extremism and detection of risky behaviors among young Tunisians; – Analyze the perceptions and attitudes towards the usage of the innovative educational approaches based on peace and citizenship to prevent risky behavior and violence among Tunisian pupils;
– Collect data on key indicators for measuring the project’s outcomes, including information on different gender dynamics, as well as the project results framework’s relevance to the local contexts.
– Draw recommendations for programming to ensure “Do No Harm” and conflict sensitivity are respected in the project and throughout the implementation process;
– Draw recommendations to inform the current project and similar future projects.
The Baseline study will gather key information on the current situations and conditions in the target local communities (Kairouan and Siliana), perceptions and attitudes of pupils, teachers, and local communities towards violence, risky behaviors, violent extremism and school drop out, as well as the contribution of different local community members to prevent violence and risky behaviors among young Tunisians. The baseline data will also gather data related to the indicators identified in the Results framework of the project.
The baseline study seeks to answer the following research questions:
OB 1 – Understanding the multilevel factors leading to violence, risky behavior, and violent extremism among Tunisian pupils
OB 2 – Contribution to preventing violence, and risky behaviors among Tunisian pupils
– What role have the local communities including parents been playing in preventing, violence and risky behaviors among Tunisian pupils?
– How have women been engaged in the prevention of violence and risky behaviors among young Tunisian pupils?
– According to local communities and educators, what could be done to prevent risky behaviors, and violence among Tunisian pupils in schools?
– What are the attitudes and perceptions of local communities, educators and Tunisian pupils towards the usage of innovative educational approaches based on peace and citizenship in Tunisian schools to prevent violence and risky behaviors.
OB 3 – Baseline Value and Results Framework
Overall Objective | Indicators | Target population |
Increase community resilience to violent extremism through a more attractive, open, inclusive school that is actively engaged in instilling human rights and peace values in children. | Ind- Violent Extremism
Resilience Index (To be measured using GCERF’s BRAVE-14 tool) |
Pupils aged 10 to 12 and key community members |
Outcomes | Indicators | Target population |
OTCA- New mechanisms and innovative educational approaches based on values are firmly established in the target Tunisian schools in order to create a resilient environment for students in Siliana and Kairouan promoting human rights, women’s rights and the values of peace. | OTCA-Ind-1- % of teachers, inspectors, and administrators who have strengthened
capacities to be able to deploy a new educational approach focused on human rights and peace values. |
Teachers, Inspectors, and Administrators |
OTCA-Ind-2- % of teachers, inspectors, and administrators who implemented the new educational approach focused on human rights and peace values. | Teachers, Inspectors, and Administrators |
OTCA-Ind-3- # of pupils from target schools who have acquired human and civic values as well as skills to be more resilient in the face of violence, risky behavior and the phenomenon of dropping out of school | Pupils aged 10 to 12 | |
OTCA-Ind-4- % of pupils who do not support the use of violence to achieve personal, political or social goals | Pupils aged 10 to 12 | |
OTCA-Ind-5- % of pupils who perceive an environment conducive to learning | Pupils aged 10 to 12 | |
OTCA-Ind-6- % of pupils satisfied with relationships with peers, teachers and
administrative staff |
Pupils aged 10 to 12 | |
OTCB-Sustainable innovative initiatives involving different members of the community and promoting more active participation of women are implemented, with the aim of preventing violence, risky behavior and school dropout among students. | OTCB-Ind-1 % of
educational staff, parents, and key community stakeholders in target schools who have strengthened their capacities and improved their knowledge to better identify school problems and risky behavior among pupils, and know who to contact to guide the detected cases. |
Teachers, Inspectors, and Administrators |
% of pupils who trust teachers to help them when faced with a problem |
Pupils aged 10 to 12 |
OB 4 – Do no Harm
OB 5 – Recommendations
The project will mainly target the regions of Kairouan (80) and Siliana (48). Analysis shows that two of the 24 governorates score very low: Kairouan ranks 23 out of 24 and Siliana 21 out of 24 on the “priority education region” indicator.
In fact, Kairouan suffers from high school dropouts, high rate of school violence and poor educational environment. Similarly, Siliana suffers from many socio-economic difficulties including high poverty rate, high unemployment and precarious educational conditions.
The Baseline study methodology will be determined by the consultant in collaboration with the ICCG team, based on ICCG and GCERF requirements. The consultant will develop the sampling criteria, methodology and tools of the baseline in consultation with the ICCG team.
The field work cannot begin without the reception of the formal approval on the methodology, sampling and the overall baseline design.
ICCG requests the methodology to include the following approaches:
– Inclusiveness: the methodology should ensure the inclusion of a wide range of viewpoints.
– Mixed-method approach: both qualitative and quantitative methods need to be included in the methodology. A literature review, perception surveys targeting Tunisian pupils and local communities, and key Informant Interviews with key community stakeholders including educators, education inspectors and key actors.
To ensure a better understanding of the key issues that will be addressed in the project, the data will be disaggregated by age and gender, as well as by geographical location.
Furthermore, the consultant must abide by the different Ethical Principles including:
ICCG expects the following deliverables from the consultant:
o Table of contents
o Abbreviations
o Executive summary of methodology, limitations, key findings and recommendations
o Background information (project specifics)
o Methodology: Objectives, data collection and analysis and limitations of the study o Research findings, analysis, with associated data presented (should be structured around the main objectives and should cover all indicators)
o Indicator table showing all baseline indicators
o Appendices, which include detailed research instruments, list of interviewees and terms of references
Logistical Support
ICCG will share all the available project documents and materials with the consultant.
Costs for all transportation should be included in the submitted proposals.
The total number of working days for the baseline survey will be 25 working days over the 30 days period from the date of the contract signature. The following timeline should be followed:
Activities | Deadline |
Submission of inception report and baseline design | 20 September 2024 |
End of field work | 30 September 2024 |
Submission of first draft of baseline study report | 7 October 2024 |
Submission of final draft of baseline report after incorporation of comments | 14 October 2024 |
The applications received will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Consultants should apply by submitting curriculum vitae(s), presenting three references and a short methodological note by email to ICCG at: apply@ifrikyacenter.org by 13/09/2024 Tunis time at 18 pm. Please note that late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.
The short methodological note should be composed of:
− Overview of experience in conducting similar types of studies;
− A short note on planned baseline design, including high-level sampling approach, data collection techniques and methodologies;
− A proposed work plan with a time frame;
− Financial proposal detailing all relevant costs.
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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 20 août 2024
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