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Community outreach volunteers (COV)-IADH Retour vers les opportunités

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08 Septembre 2023 Il y a 10 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

 Objective of the community outreach volunteers Program

The strategic objectives of UNHCR Tunisia include strengthening protection response and developing a more strategic communication approach, including with the people we serve and the Tunisian host communities. UNHCR and its partners, the Arab Institute for Human Rights, the Tunisian Council for Refugees, and the Tunisian Scouts, intend to enhance their actions within the communities by building a strong network of refugee, asylum seeker, and Tunisian volunteers in key strategic governorates. Community outreach volunteers (COVs) serve as a point of entry into their respective communities and support UNHCR and its partners in community mobilization, information dissemination, monitoring protection issues, and identifying solutions and opportunities to promote community resilience, empowerment, and social cohesion. Additionally, COVs play a crucial role in ensuring community engagement and participation in the design and implementation of intervention efforts by providing continuous feedback on initiative implementation and making recommendations for necessary interventions.


Roles and Responsibilities of Community outreach volunteers (COVs)

– Establish informal dialogue and communication channels with refugees and asylum seekers to better understand the population and highlight the needs and concerns of different groups.

– Identify community-based solutions to risks and needs and suggest potential solutions.

– Assist UNHCR and its partners in disseminating information about available services and their providers, as well as the rights and responsibilities of refugees and asylum seekers.

– Promote and support community mobilization for organizing social, cultural, and recreational events within refugee and host communities.

– Help UNHCR organize group discussions and awareness sessions with people from different age, gender, and ethnic groups.

– Build networks with other volunteers in various sectors to facilitate solutions and responses.

– Report high-risk cases requiring urgent support or assistance to UNHCR.


Job Requirements:

– Demonstrate a desire and willingness to volunteer to support refugees and asylum seekers in Tunisia.

– Commit to approximately 20 hours of Community outreach volunteers (COVs) tasks per month.

– Be committed to working with communities while respecting the dignity of the most vulnerable and adhering to international humanitarian and legal standards.

– Maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained during Community outreach volunteers (COVs) activities.

– Treat refugees, asylum seekers, and host community members equally and without discrimination, following UNHCR’s principles and standards.

– Regularly communicate with UNHCR and its partners’ focal points or meet with them if necessary.

– Participate in monthly meetings and training sessions with UNHCR and its partners.


Eligibility Criteria:

A Community Outreach Volunteer (COV) will be selected based on the following eligibility criteria:

– The COV must be aged 18 or older.

– The COV must be a registered refugee or asylum seeker with UNHCR or a member of the host community residing in one of the following governorates: Tunis, Ariana, Ben Arous, Mannouba, Nabeul, Sousse, Kairouan, Kasserine, Kef, Bizerte.

– The COV must be an active member of their community, engaged in some form of community support.

– Good oral and written communication skills.

– Ability to conduct situation analysis and needs assessment.

– Planning and organizational skills: ability to prioritize tasks, respond to competing demands, and work under frequent, tight deadlines.

– Ability to work in a multicultural environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity.



– The Community Outreach Volunteer (COV) is a UNHCR volunteer and will receive a certificate confirming their volunteer status.

– The COV will receive financial compensation to cover transportation, communication, and other necessary incidental expenses related to their tasks.

– The COV will benefit from regular training organized by UNHCR and its partners.

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