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Social Media and Communications Intern -DAI Retour vers les opportunités


29 Août 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Project Background:

The Libya Local Governance and Civil Society (LGCS) Activity will support the foundation of a more unified Libyan state by prioritizing local-level activities that foster stability and accountable governance while reinforcing positive linkages among the national government, subnational government administration, and citizens. LGCS works to increase the Libyan Government’s ability to deliver essential services and promote stability. It seeks to help citizens engage in public dialogue, prioritize resources, and develop initiatives to hold government accountable. To achieve these goals, LGCS will center its activities around four objectives:


  1. Strengthen the capacity of targeted municipal institutions to deliver services and be more responsive to citizen needs
  2. Empower Libyan citizens, civil society organizations, private sector, and other stakeholders with the skills and capability to advocate for government institutions to deliver on their mandates. 
  3. Encourage coherence of national and subnational government policy, systems, and coordination through pilots advancing targeted policy reform. Strengthen national and subnational decentralization policies, systems, and, and coordination 
  4. Inform Programming through a robust learning and analysis agenda.



The Social Media and Communications Intern will work with Taqarib staff to identify and amplify key project/partner activities, and produce and publish social media content that achieves the project’s strategic communications objectives. The Social Media and Communications Intern will actively seek out opportunities to publicize the success of the project and its partners (such as success stories, testimonials and insights) to share on social media platforms.  


Responsibilities and Key Tasks:

  • Use monthly events calendar to create a monthly social media strategy, plan and schedule of daily posts for Taqarib social media platforms. 
  • Work with Taqarib technical and implementation staff to gather reports, stories, quotes, and other content to create insightful and impactful social media content. 
  • Take or solicit photos of Taqarib and partner activities, and photo releases where necessary. Use graphic design software to add appropriate headings, logos or graphics to photos.
  • Work with the communications team, including the Taqarib Translator, Graphic Design Specialist, or Communications and Outreach specialist to translate post content, generate graphics, videos and other forms of media. 
  • Design and implement plans to increase followers on popular social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  • Help Taqarib Grants and Technical teams generate announcements for opportunities. 
  • Review social media sites of beneficiaries and partners, and share their success’s. 
  • Interact with followers by answering questions sent through the project’s social media pages.


  • Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, journalism, public relations, or related field
  • 1 to 2 years of social media management experience
  • Professional certification in Google Analytics strongly preferred
  • Comfortable with working with Microsoft Office and Adobe Suites
  • General knowledge of Search Engine Optimization and internet ranking for web content
  • Entry level experience determining how to cater unique marketing campaigns to a unique audience
  • Entry level understanding of marketing strategy and how to use the concepts throughout various forms of outreach

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 16 août 2021

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