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Communication Senior Consultant-FHI360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

Lance   Appel à candidatures


07 Janvier 2022 Il y a 3 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social


Communication Senior Consultant


Tunis, Tunisia

Application Deadline:

December 6th, 2021

Level of Effort:

6 Months

Start Date:

10st January 2022



Ma3an is a five-year (2018-2023) USAID-funded project with the goal to increase youth participation in civic and political life, address youth grievances, and prevent radicalization in Tunisian communities vulnerable to violent extremism.  Ma3an’s objectives include: Youth are equipped with skills and engaged in civic actions with local actors to address their communities’ needs and grievances (Positive Youth Development – PYD), and Tunisian capabilities to prevent and counter violent extremism are enhanced (Preventing Violent Extremism-  PVE). At the community level, Ma3an uses a community-driven PYD/PVE model to inform and support sustainable interventions through ongoing collaboration between community actors that are inclusive, participatory, and solutions-focused. These include working with and through local CSO partners to understand local dynamics in each community; and implement community-driven PYD/PVE programming involving youth, local NGOs, local government, and other community leaders through community-specific grants.


Ma3an aims at supporting CNLCT capacity building efforts in order to increase its presence outside of Tunis and to help the CNLCT adopt a more strategic approach to P/CVE nationwide and strengthen collaboration with civil society.  FHI 360, in consultation with the CNLCT and USAID, will be supporting the CNLCT in order to strengthen the government’s capacities in defining, in an informed and concerted manner, national priorities to prevent violent extremism. Ma3an will support CNLCT efforts to develop its communication strategy through capacity building and equipping its staff with communication tools/techniques and throughout supporting the development of the Strategic Communication Strategy that is closely linked to the CNLCT’s overarching CVE strategy. Ma3an will support in the strategy design and development through working in a collaborative manner with the CNLCT and other parties such as civil society organizations, experts, private companies and other relevant organizations. Ma3an will also support in the implementation of the strategy in all its phase through its activities and in collaboration with its Local partners. For that reason, Ma3an is recruiting a communication Senior officer whose mission will be to develop the communication strategy of the CNLCT and to support in the internal communication component.


The mission defined by these terms of reference aims to support the CNLCT in developing its communication strategy. Specifically, the expert’s missions are divided into two parts:

1. Work closely with the members of the communication unit within the CNLCT in order to provide support, supervision and transfer of knowledge and expertise with regard to the organization, development, implementation and improvement of communication actions.

2. Develop and implement in close coordination with the CNLCT and the Ma3an project team, a communication strategy which aims at developing positive and effective alternative discourses, intended for a specially targeted audience, which confront, challenge and contradict the Violent extremism discourse in its intrinsic subjects. This strategy will be accompanied by a detailed action plan resulting from the guidelines formulated as well as the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system.

Main tasks and responsibilities:


Under the direct supervision of the presidency of the CNLCT and in close collaboration with the communication unit of the CNLCT and the MA3AN project team, the communication senior officer will:

– Support, supervise and ensure the transfer of knowledge for the benefit of the CNLCT in all matters relating to daily and / or strategic communication activities.

– Develop and implement the communication strategy (targeting the general public) taking into account the expectations and internal and external needs identified beforehand.

– Develop an operational plan for the execution of priority actions over a period of 3 years, indicating a monitoring and evaluation system (qualitative and quantitative) for each recommended action, the human and financial resources required.

– Develop and implement strategic recommendations for the efficient running of the operationalization of the communication strategy in the short and medium term.

-Provide guidance, training and other support to the CNLCT Communication team to document activities photographically, including contributing to the creation of the CNLCT database.

– Develop and implement program communications strategies & work-plans, campaigns, events and other initiatives, ensuring alignment with the communications strategy of the CNLCT.

– Work closely with the CNLCT to adjust to program communications strategy based on feedback and changing needs.

– Providing considered professional communications advice to the CNLCT staff on an ongoing basis, and preparing communications workshops and training including for staff.

– Production of monthly analytical reports on the activity generated on the CNLCT social media platforms.



The Senior Communications Officer will be responsible for producing the following deliverables:

– Organizing and leading trainings for the CNLCT members

– Producing a final document of CNLCT communication strategy.

– Creating an operational plan for the execution of the strategy over a period of 3 years, including a monitoring and evaluation plan and budgeting. The operational plan must include, among other things, concrete mini-projects, exploiting the various actors and possible media outlets and targeting a greater number of the population, especially young people and those most vulnerable to the dangers of extremism and terrorism.

The documents will be written in French and submitted by e-mail in Word format to the presidency of the CNLCT.

Summary table of expected products:





Due Date


Provide support, supervision and transfer of knowledge and expertise for CNLCT members

Training sessions delivered

02 months








Presidency of the CNLCT

Develop a communication strategy accompanied by a detailed action plan

Development of the CNLCT communication strategy document

02 months


Operational plan for the execution of the strategy

02 months


Total number of months

6 months

Working methods

The communications Senior officer will work full-time administrative in the CNLCT premises in close collaboration with the CNLCT communication unit and the Ma3an project team.

The products of this recruitment will be the exclusive property of the CNLCT. The communications senior officer will not publish or cause to be published, in any form whatsoever, the products of this mission.

The communications senior officer will be solely responsible for the technical quality of his / her work and for the timely completion of the assigned tasks.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Minimum a master\'s degree in information and communication science, humanities, or other equivalent discipline.
  • At least 10 years of experience acquired in the field of communication and / or media. A minimum of 8 years of professional experience in communication in institutional/organizational communication, in NGOs.
  • At least three experiences in developing communication strategies.
  • Experience working in an international NGO on US Government-funded activities is highly desirable
  • Previous experience with governmental institutions and proven knowledge of regulations and protocols of institutional communication within governmental organizations
  • Proven ability in digital content creation and monitoring / Knowledge of the regulatory and institutional framework in Tunisia is an asset.
  • Proven knowledge of communication challenges. Possess strong oral and written communication skills in Arabic, French and English.
  • Demonstrated managerial skills, ability to effectively plan, organize and implement activities related to a communication strategy.
  • Demonstrated ability to apply good practices and provide analytical advice. Demonstrates very good listening and communication skills, both written and oral, including interpersonal skills.
  • A technical mastery as well as a detailed understanding of the challenges of digital communication. Works well under pressure and meets tight deadlines.

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Marwa Belgasmi


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