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Cleaner-MSF Retour vers les opportunités

Médecins Sans Frontières Tunisie

Lance   Appel à candidatures


07 Novembre 2021 Il y a 3 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Humanitaire


Execute, according to hygienic standards, housekeeping, cleaning and tiding up activities in order to ensure public and staff private areas are in good condition.


  • Clean bedrooms, bathrooms, toilets and other rooms in MSF houses.
  • Do the laundry iron clothes and other housekeeping activities.
  • Support the cook (washing up, cleaning the kitchen, etc.).
  • Sweep and mop the floors.
  • Restock supplies (toilet paper, soap, etc.) as required.
  • Upon arrival, prepare hot water for tea/coffee and refill drinking water.
  • Check that the toilets are well stocked with paper and soap.
  • Check that the water supply (kitchen, showers, etc.) is sufficient during water cuts.
  • Keep premises properly locked (doors, windows).
  • The above-mentioned activities and responsibilities are not exhaustive, and staff may be assigned additional responsibilities or tasks as required.
  • Staff are not allowed to chew QAT during working hours.
  • Under no circumstances are firearms/weapons allowed in MSF vehicles or on MSF premises

Exigences de l’emploi

Educatiion: None is required.

Experience: None is required.

Languages: Local language knowledge is essential.

Competencies: Commitment, Flexibility, Stress management, Results-oriented, Teamwork, Service-oriented.


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 28 octobre 2021

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