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(Offre en anglais) Civil Society Facility South Programme lance un appel à participation عودة إلى الفرص

انتهاء الصلاحية

17 فيفري 2016 Il y a 9 years

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The Civil Society Facility (CSF) South hereby announces the launch of a “Call for Application” for Strengthening Organizational Capacities of Partner Civil Society Organizations in the Southern Mediterranean.
This workshop is designed to enhance capacities of CSOs in the Southern Mediterranean.
It aims to:

  • Mobilize CSOs to effectively engage in policy dialogue
  • Enhancing CSOs skills and perceptions to influence policy processes
  • Support CSOs to transforming policy priorities into actions
  • Support CSOs to share good practice and lessons learned
  • Introduce practical solutions to policy implementation and monitoring
  • Promote regional networking, building coalitions/networks around policy.


The workshop:

  • Will take place between 15 March – 18 March 2016, in Amman, Jordan
  • Is open to about 25 CSO participants
  • Is for members of CSOs, working in the ENPI countries: Lebanon, Syria, the occupied Palestinian territories, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco
  • The workshop will be delivered in Arabic, and summarized materials in French and English will be made available on the CSFS website.
  • The costs related to the participation to the workshop (travel, accommodation and catering during the training for participants) will be covered for each selected participant.
  • Participants will receive certificates issued by the CSF South on their last day of attendance.


This workshop is organized by the Civil Society Facility South (CSFS). It is a, EU funded facility, supporting civil society organisations in the Southern Mediterranean countries boosting their capacities to enable them to play an effective role in policy dialogue in their country and contribute to the regional discourse.

The CSF South Programme addresses dialogue to build bridges in the region through civic education, commitment of CSOs in political dialogue, young leadership and innovation. Through tailored capacity building, it focuses on supporting CSOs’ role in the decision-making process, through policy dialogue, stronger citizenship and advocacy. The regional workshop capitalizes on previous experience, recommendations and best practices and interactions with partner CSOs who participated to similar workshops in 2015. More details on this call or about the CSF South Project can be found here.

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