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Civicus recherche plusieurs profils pour son projet « The big development datashift » (en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités

CIVICUS Alliance

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31 Août 2014 Il y a 10 ans

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There has been a lot of talk in recent months about a data revolution for development, but unfortunately little attention so far on how to empower citizens and civil society to collect and use data in more powerful ways to revolutionise the way development works. At CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, we have been seeking to address this gap by looking at how to elevate the role of citizen-generated data in development, particularly when it comes to monitoring progress on the post-2015 goals that will be agreed next year.

In April, at the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, CIVICUS launched The Big Development DataShift. This is an ambitious effort to build capacity within civil society, especially in the Global South, to collect, curate and use data more effectively. Over the next 2 years, CIVICUS will work with partners across the globe in a concerted effort to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of people-powered accountability. The Big Development DataShift will empower the movement and deliver tools through five key activity areas. See www.thedatashift.org for more details.

Thanks to confirmation of funding to support this project, we will be putting together our dream team to deliver on the promise of this project and to help us put people at the heart of the ‘data revolution’. We are looking for a fantastic group of people who are passionate about citizen action, have experience of working in international development and have the creative energy to make the most of this opportunity to revolutionise the way that we think about data and accountability in development.

While we are in the process of devising the team structure, we invite applications from talented individuals with the following skills, qualifications and experience to fill the posts we are likely to create for the duration of the project:


•    Project management experience, especially complicated projects, with multiple donors, a decentralised team, a global footprint etc.

•    Stakeholder management skills, with the ability to respond to several needs ranging from donors to national civil society platforms to UN bodies.

•    Specialist experience with data or tech-led projects, especially in helping to support local initiatives around the world, sharing best practice and cross-pollinating ideas across initiatives. 

•    Communications expertise to create content for the website and help us tell the story of the DataShift using traditional and new social media.

•    Experience in data harmonisation efforts, ideally in the development sector. 

We would prefer to have as many members of the team we put together to be based in Johannesburg, where CIVICUS is headquartered, but would be happy to consider great people working anywhere in the world (including from our offices in Geneva, London and New York if it suits). We are prepared to appoint full-time, part-time or job-shares, but will give preference to candidates that can commit for the full two years of the project.

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation is an international alliance of members and partners which constitutes an influential network of organisations at the local, national, regional and international levels, and spans the spectrum of civil society. CIVICUS has worked for nearly two decades to strengthen citizen action and civil society throughout the world, especially in areas where participatory democracy and citizens’ freedom of association are threatened.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 14 août 2014

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