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Civic Education Expert Consultan- FHI 360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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11 Décembre 2023 Il y a 8 months

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Détails de l'opportunité

Civic Education Expert Consultant 


Period of Performance: December 2023 – October 2024 

Background (Project Background):  

Ma3an is a seven-year (2018-2025) USAID-funded project with the goal to increase Tunisian youth civic  engagement and economic empowerment to advance progress towards sustainable, inclusive development in  Tunisia. Ma3an’s objectives include: (1) Youth have improved access to skills, services, and opportunities for civic  engagement and economic empowerment, and (2) Tunisian youth lead and meaningfully participate in activities  to address youth and community priorities. In its remaining two years, Ma3an will capitalize on the strong  foundation of youth leaders, safe spaces, and local partners in its 33 communities and will engage more youth and  partners who can offer additional assets to ensure that a wide representation of Tunisia’s most underserved youth  can benefit from skills, services, and opportunities they need to secure their livelihoods and contribute to their  communities. This includes working with local partners to set up and support a network of youth leaders who can  cascade essential skills to their peers and who can propose and lead initiatives that respond to the challenges they  are facing. Ma3an will also continue to build the capacity of youth system actors – including safe spaces, youth serving and youth-led organizations, and youth-community collaboration mechanisms – to better prepare them to  not only meet the needs of young people, but to effectively engage them as partners in their work. Ma3an is  working with Tunisia’s Ministry of Education (MoE) to update and enhance its Civic Education program in middle  and high schools and to adapt and apply a Youth Community Service (YCS) program in school civics clubs that is  designed to support young Tunisians to gain civic knowledge, values, and skills by applying them on a community  problem that they have prioritized. 

Detailed Description of Tasks to be Performed:  

The Consultant will support Ma3an’s ongoing work with the Ministry of Education on Revising and piloting the civic  education curriculum in preparatory and secondary schools. Specifically, the consultant will: 

  • Support the Ma3an team to follow up with and support the efforts of the civic education inspectors to  design a pilot of the revised programs for the 8th grade (Middle School) and 2nd grade (High School),  including through: 
  •  Facilitating and/or participating in meetings with Ma3an team and/or Inspectors to fully  understand the civic component and support the design of the pilot and the material that will be  used for it.  
  •  Attending and supporting Ma3an to facilitate an in-person workshop to validate and finalize the  piloting plan. 
  • Work with Ma3an to support the Inspectors to launch and implement the pilot with selected teachers,  including through: 
  •  Attending and supporting Ma3an to facilitate an in-person workshop to support the Inspectors to  learn the full piloting material and how to use it in order to train the teachers to implement the  pilot. 
  •  Conducting site visits and coaching trips as Inspectors train and support teachers to implement the  data collection for the pilot. 
  • Work with Ma3an to learn from the pilot and support the MoE to plan for completing revisions to the Civic  Education curriculum and rolling out the revised programs in schools, including through:  
  •  Attending and supporting Ma3an to facilitate a workshop with Inspectors to finalize lessons and prepare  plan for rolling out the curriculum.  
  • Contributing to material and resources that Inspectors and teachers need to implement the revised  programs in Middle and High School programs. 
  •  Providing training and technical assistance to the Inspectors as they provide needed orientation and  assistance to teachers on the revised Middle and High School programs. 
  • Contribute to preparing reports on the revisions and piloting process and sharing them with the MoE; these are  expected to include:
  • A report on the piloting of the revised programs for the 8th grade (Middle School) and 2nd grade (High  School).
  • A final report on the revisions and piloting process of the Civic Education programs between 2022-2024.

Moreover, the Consultant will support Ma3an’s ongoing work with the Ministry of Education on implementing the Youth  Community Service (YCS) program in civics clubs in schools. Specifically, the consultant will: 

  • Review and provide inputs on the Youth Community Service guide that is disseminated for civics clubs in schools.
  • Attend after-action review events with teachers and inspectors about the Youth Community Service activities.
  •  Prepare a brief report on the lessons from piloting YCS and recommendations for future applications. 
  •  Contribute to finalizing the YCS guide and supporting material based on lessons.  

Deliverables/Milestones & Due Dates:  

The consultant and the FHI 360 technical monitor will coordinate closely on the tasks, deliverables and due dates outlined below, and any changes to the Scope of Work, Deliverables, LOE allocated to Deliverables and Period of  performance will require prior authorization from the Technical Monitor.

Tasks Deliverables Nbr Days Due Date 
Civic Education Programs
Facilitate and/or participate in meetings with Ma3an  team and/or Inspectors to fully understand the civic  component and support the design of the pilot and the  material that will be used for it.  Inputs provided during  meetings 3 Days  December 2023 

– January 2024

Attend and support Ma3an to facilitate an in-person four day workshop to validate and finalize the piloting plan. D1 Inputs on workshop  agenda, material, and  report. 4 days facilitation  

2 days  

preparation of the  content

January – 

February 2024

Attend and support Ma3an to facilitate an in-person four day workshop to support the Inspectors to learn the full  piloting material and how to use it in order to train the  teachers to implement the pilot. D2 Inputs on workshop  agenda, material, and  report. 4 days facilitation  

2 days  

preparation of  


February 2024
Conduct site visits and coaching trips as Inspectors train  and support teachers to implement the data collection  for the pilot. D3 Field visit reports  (one for each visit  


9 working days  February – June  


Attend and support Ma3an to facilitate an in-person four day workshop with Inspectors to finalize lessons and  prepare plan for rolling out the curriculum with  inspectors. D4 Inputs on workshop  agenda, material, and  report. 4 days facilitation  

2 days  

preparation of the  content

July 2024
Contribute to material and resources that Inspectors  and teachers need to implement the revised  programs in Middle and High School programs.  D5 inputs integrated  into material and  


2 days  July – August 2024



Provide training and technical assistance to the  Inspectors as they provide needed orientation and  assistance to teachers on the revised Middle and  High School programs. N/A  4 days  July – September  2024
Contribute to preparing reports on the revisions and  piloting process and sharing them with the MoE. D6 Reports in Arabic  5 days  July – October 


Youth Community Service
Review and provide inputs on the Youth Community  Service guide that is disseminated for civics clubs in  schools. D7 inputs added directly  to the YCS Guide  


1 day  December 2023
Attend after-action review events with teachers and  inspectors about the Youth Community Service  activities.  D8 Report and  

recommendations about  the YCS in Arabic

5 days  June – July 2024
Contribute to finalizing the YCS guide and  supporting material based on lessons.  D9 inputs added directly  to the YCS Guide  

document and  

supporting material

3 days  August – October 2024
Total  50 working days 


The consultant or consulting firm is required to submit the following documents before the deadline: – Tax Identification Number (Patente and RNE) 

– Detailed CV 

– 3 references 

– Technical proposal (methodological note) 

– Financial proposal 

The selection criteria are as follows: 

– Experience with the Ministry of Education and in the field of civic education: 40 points 

– Methodological note: 30 points 

– Financial proposal: 30 points

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 7 December 2023

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