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Chemonics International – Request For Proposals (RFP): Visitor Survey in 8 Tunisian destinations. Retour vers les opportunités

Chemonics International

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25 Août 2022 Il y a 3 ans

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Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Tourisme

Projet: USAID Visit Tunisia Activity

Background, Scope of Work, Deliverables, and Deliverables Schedule

1.    Background

Visit Tunisia (VT) is a five-year, USAID-funded activity designed to grow and diversify Tunisian tourism, generating sustainable jobs and increasing tourism revenues. We also aim to develop a high-quality tourism industry and mitigate the impact of COVID-19.

Visit Tunisia delivers assistance through four strategic lenses:

  • Marketing and Communications
  • Product Development
  • Enabling Environment
  • Investment and Innovation

Through its Product Development Component, VT aims to capitalize on Tunisia’s wide range of attractions by developing new sustainable tourism offerings particularly in less-visited regions. Those offerings should be developed with the engagement of the private sector in creating sustainable destination development plans (DDPs).

The visitor survey will provide a profile of the characteristics, travel behavior and expenditure of both international and domestic visitors to the targeted destinations, The 2 non-targeted destinations will serve as a benchmark to assess the impact of the activity.

2.    Scope of Work

The selected local civil society organization will provide assistance to USAID Visit Tunisia Activity in gathering information from a sample of domestic and international tourists in the 8 destinations. The sample will be defined by VT Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) team based on the region’s typology of tourists and the locations will be identified based on the locations that will be targeted by the VT activity.

The survey will generate data on the following:

1) Change in frequency of visits to products, services and experiences (PSEs) providers and targeted sites supported by Visit Tunisia,

2) Percentage increase of tourism visitor satisfaction at Visit Tunisia targeted sites and P/S/E providers receiving USG assistance, and

3) Percentage increase of average tourism visitor spending.

The survey, designed by VT MEL team, will be 100% digital (Mobile optimized survey) and available in selected locations of the 8 destinations (Hotels, Maisons d’hote tourist attractions…). These locations are Tabrka-Ain Draham, Kairouwan, Tozeur and Nafta, Douz, Tatouine, Gabes and Matmata, in addition to two other locations that will be identified at a later stage. The survey will be available for visitors (ongoing) during the lifespan of the project (September 2022 – May 2024) with the aim to provide real-time data that feeds the project performance indicators.

The selected NGO will, upon request, help VT MEL team achieve better response rates by reaching out to a wider audience. For example:

      • Target sample of surveyed tourists in Kairouan during peak season (Ramadan and Aid Holiday) or after completion of a renovation activity in the area. = 5,000

1) Number of tourists who spontaneously[1] respond to the survey available in selected locations in Kairouan to achieve better response rates= 2,000

2) Number of additional tourists to be surveyed by selected NGO=3,000. The selected NGO will organize surveying journeys based on the requests to visit specific sites that will be shared by Chemonics on quarterly basis.

Payment will be based on a performance agreement. As the expected number of spontaneous responses is unpredictable, the selected NGO should provide a pricing approach that includes fixed costs and variable costs (cost of a response). For example:

  • Fixed costs related to pollsters’ training and submission of methodology deliverables=xxx TND
  • Average cost per survey response=x TND

The local NGO will be only involved in the data collection phase. Selection criteria, sampling design and data processing will be conducted by VT MEL team. The data collection dates will be tied to major tourist holidays as well as the completion of VT activities such as renovation of targeted sites and the development of a new PSE by the supported business. Therefore, the selected NGO will be provided with a list of specific locations with possible dates or holidays on which the data collection team would be requested to make field visits. This list is envisioned to be shared on quarterly basis by Chemonics throughout the activity. The NGO should show ability and plan on how to respond to the requests of the activity. The selected NGO should explain:

-strategies that will be used to identify and approach to the tourists and incentivize participation

-mention possible challenges that could be encountered during the activity and how the selected data collection will be equipped to address those challenges (e.g. language barriers as an important share of the respondents are expected to be international visitors).

The selected NGO should provide supporting documents to prove its ability of conducting similar surveys.

3.    Deliverables

The successful offeror shall deliver to Chemonics the following deliverables, in accordance with the schedule set forth in II.4 below.

Deliverable No. 1: Detailed approach and methodology

The supplier should provide detailed approach and methodology of the survey implementation. The workplan should include preparatory steps (selection of pollsters, trainings…) and surveying steps.

Deliverable No. 2: Agreed number of responses via the mobile optimized survey

Based on the activities’ implementation status, Chemonics will provide the local NGO a list of locations that should be covered on quarterly basis. The selected NGO and VT will agree on a number of survey responses to reach the targeted sample defined by Chemonics in each location (for both peak and low tourism seasons) and approximate data collection dates. Upon the validation of the sample in each of the 8 regions, the selected NGO will provide a methodology on the data collection activities in the defined quarter. The responses will be collected through a digital mobile app designed and provided by VT Tunisia. During data collection, VT will provide real-time update on the database of collected responses. After completion of a quarter, the NGO will share with Chemonics and activity report detailing activities accomplished, challenges faced and best practices.


For more details.

RFP-VT-2022-005 Visitor Survey in 8 Tunisian destinations

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