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Chemonics International recrute BEE specialist Retour vers les opportunités

Chemonics International

Lance   Offre d'emploi


06 Décembre 2019 Il y a 5 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

The USAID/Tunisia Jobs, Opportunities & Business Success (JOBS) project, managed by Chemonics International, seeks to create 70,000 jobs over the five-year life of the project. The three-year project (with an additional two-year option period) will work through multiple pathways to reach this ambitious goal, including i) increasing the competitiveness of client firms; ii) matching labor market demand with skills that meet the needs; iii) improving the business enabling environment; and iv) improving youths’ attitudes towards private sector employment.
Under Component 3, JOBS will help forge a more competitive business enabling environment by working with businesses to identify policy and regulatory constraints to their ability to grow, then working with the government of Tunisia, and private sector organizations to address these constraints.


Responsibilities include:
• Assist small and medium-sized business to participate in the business environment policy making process;
• Work with business federations to identify, assess, and analyze opportunities for continuous improvement, of policy reforms supported by JOBS;
• Provides professional support to the component for the preparation of targeted meetings and workshops;
• Manage all meeting minutes and coordinate project reports/delivrables as needed;
• Gathers and correlates economic data using established and well-defined procedures.

• Minimum University level degree in economics, law, trade, or related area advanced degree preferred
• 3 years of general experience and at least 1 year in policy, legal, institutional and regulatory  development to stimulate private sector growth
• Prior experience of working with donor projects, USAID experience is highly preferred;
• Knowledge of major economic sectors is helpful –textile, food processing, tourism, manufacturing sectors
• Proven ability to work professionally, constructively, and collaboratively
• Strong interpersonal and written communications skills
• Excellent French, Arabic, and strong English skills required.
• Previous experience working with Ministries, government agencies, professional associations in Tunisia.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 18 November 2019

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