Offer Language: English
Company: Cardno International Development
Position Title: Accountant
Échéance: 15 July 2019
Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Détails de l’opportunité:
Cardno is currently seeking experienced Accountants for an anticipated five year donor-funded Program in Tunis, Tunisia.
Cardno is an industry leader in providing Fiscal/Procurement Agent services for multiple international donors. Cardno is currently providing Fiscal/Procurement Agent services in 13 countries in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. Accounting positions with Cardno for this project will be separated into two levels: the Senior Financial Management Specialist and the Payments Specialist.
The Senior Financial Management Specialist (SFMS), as part of the Fiscal Agent team, will manage and execute day-to-day financial management and accounting activities of the Program. Specific responsibilities include:
- Manage, execute and coordinate all day-to-day financial activities including: review and approve payment requests, disburse Program funds; manage cash and reconcile funds; maintain accounting system; and monitor commitments, budgets, and plans. Provide advice on the financial activities of the Program including reviewing contracts related to procurement of goods, works, and services.
- Assist in the preparation and implementation of the chart of accounts, reporting templates, and internal controls mechanisms. Assist in setting up automated budgeting, commitment, and accounting systems and maintain and monitor these systems on a daily basis. Assist in designing, implementing, and updating a Fiscal Accountability Plan.
- Assist in the preparation of monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual reports, budgets, plans, manuals, additional reports, and certifications. Prepare funds reconciliation and promptly resolve all differences. Review fixed assets register, manage all account payables and contract balances, and manage all activities related to payroll.
- Ensure all financial activities are carried out in compliance with local tax laws, international accounting standards, conditions included in the Grant and any Supplemental Agreements, Fiscal Accountability Plan, Cost and Fiscal Accountability Principles of the Program and the donor. Protect the financial management activity from fraud, waste, and abuse. Ensure that all approvals and financial records are kept safely and filed properly.
The Payments Specialist, as part of the Fiscal Agent Team, will assist in the financial management of donor funds. The Payments Specialist will execute day-to-day accounting activities of the Program. Specific responsibilities include:
- Execute and coordinate day-to-day financial activities including processing payment requests and payroll; performing banking operations; preparing payment instruments or instruction; monitoring budgets; and recording financial transactions in the accounting system.
- Prepare weekly and monthly reconciliations of Program funds. Prepare weekly financial reports. Assist in the preparation of budgets, and in the preparation of monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annual reports.
- Maintain and monitor accounts payable, accounts receivable, travel advances, and the fixed assets register. Promptly identify and assist in resolving all differences.
- Execute tasks to comply with local tax laws. Assist in obtaining tax exemption or refunds.
- Ensure all financial activities are carried out in compliance with local tax laws, Fiscal Accountability Plan, Cost and Fiscal Accountability Principles of the Program and the donor. Protect the financial management activity from fraud, waste, and abuse. Ensure that all approvals and financial records are kept safely and filed properly.