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Capacity Building Specialist for Vocational Training – Tunisia JOBS Retour vers les opportunités


01 Mars 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Ariana et 24 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Emploi et 1 autre(s) domaines



Tunisia JOBS, financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is delivering technical assistance to Tunisian SMEs to enable enterprise growth and employment. As part of this effort, JOBS’ workforce development (WFD) component is engaging the public and private sectors to reduce the gaps in skills and employment by, respectively, building youths’ readiness for the job market and filling employers’ job vacancies. These gaps have different implications in the short-, medium-, and long-terms, and they have mutually-reinforcing objectives. Sustainable impact requires reducing both gaps. 

As part of its Year 2 strategy, JOBS will reduce the gaps in a targeted, sector approach, complementing national-level and regional pilots in partnership with sectoral federations and leading employers. Activities will reach youth at three critical points in their career pathways: (1) before they enroll in an educational institution, either higher education or vocational training, (2) as they are building skills, and (3) as they are searching for their first jobs. Target sectors include ICT, electromechanics, textiles, and tourism in pilot regions of Tunis, Sfax, the Sahel, and the South. Pilot activities will be implemented in concert with JOBS’ enterprise engagement component to deliver strategic assistance that draws on a variety of resources (e.g. consultancies, training, job-matching events, regional career centers, etc) to reduce the gap in a particular region and sector. 

In Year 1, JOBS selected four target sectors – tourism, textiles, agriculture, and electro-mechanics –with the highest job creation potential based on its assessment conducted in September 2018. In these sectors, JOBS worked with CENAFFIF, the GOT agency responsible for curricula development in nationwide VTCs, and private sector federations – FTTH and FTH – to prioritize the specific courses within the textile and tourism sectors where JOBS will support reforms. Supporting this public-private sector dialogue was central to JOBS’ efforts. This process resulted in the selection of specific curricula for reform – two in textiles (machine operations and technician training) and three in tourism (quality control for tourist restaurants, hotel reception, and patisseries). JOBS began working with the federations to define specific curricula-reform needs. 

For the electromechanics sectors, CENAFFIF requested JOBS and the private sector federation – FEDELEC – to postpone the assessment until Year 2 while CENAFFIF completed related initiatives. 

As part of this curricula reform process, JOBS also made recommendations on transversal – for example, professional verbal and written communications are important for any sector – required for each of the three levels of any vocational employee (operator, technician, and high technician). Because these skills are transversal, CENAFFIF will use this work to benefit all curricula in VTCs nationwide. 

On a parallel track with curricula reform efforts, JOBS trained CENAFFIF’s master trainers to create curricula in an e-learning platform for broader accessibility by trainees. JOBS facilitated training for CENFAFFIF’s master trainers, who are responsible for curricula development and for training VTC trainers to deliver the e-content in target sectors. 

During its first year, JOBS also proposed creation of a steering committee with the many governing bodies within MFPE’s vocational training system to review progress on a quarterly basis and guide implementation. 

Based on recommendations from the steering committee, JOBS designed 12 VTCs’ career centers (AREs), grounded on its survey of private sector employers in the regions to better understand each VTC’s strengths and priorities for improvement to align with hiring needs. Based on their feedback related to hiring needs, JOBS developed an action plan for the 12 AREs, in line with international best practices. Specifically, the action plan focuses on governance and job placement functions of VTCs such as defining management roles, creating a standard ARE toolkit with templates to create internships for career development, and other key functions required by regional employers. In Year 2, JOBS will support the implementation of this action plan, endorsed by MFPE and the steering committee, and explore ways to expand beyond the original 12 VTCs. 

As part of JOBS’ Year 2 WFD annual work plan, JOBS will: 

  • Facilitate national-level curricula reform and implementation. 
  • Engage private sector employers in defining needs and training youth through apprenticeships, preparing them for a career in vocational training. 
  • Showcase the benefits of a career in vocational training as a career choice through development of career pathways and labor-market information. 


JOBS is proposing a long-term Capacity Building Specialist for Vocational Training to expand JOBS’ impact nationally in pilot regions and sectors for a stronger vocational training system. The Capacity Building Specialist will coordinate youth training activities implemented with VTCs and private sector companies in skills assessment, coordination between vocational education institutions and internships / apprenticeship providers (private firms). 


The detailed responsibilities are outlined below: 

  • Assist the Vocational Training Specialist in implementing the C2 annual work plan activities to develop the capacity of pilot VTCs. 
  • Coordinate with technical experts to fulfill responsibilities, tasks, and deliverables defined in scopes of work for curricula design activities and training material for VTCs in pilot sectors. 
  • Ensure the follow-up and reporting of the different vocational training activities in: 

✓ Implementation of international model for AREs. ✓ VTCs governance model, capacity building program, and management toolkit. ✓ Design and creation of AREs’ digital job-placement platform. ✓ Vocational training digital content. ✓ Capacity building program for VTCs and CENAFFIF. ✓ Labor-Market Information System (LMIS). ✓ Technical training with firms and sectorial federations. ✓ Job-matching events. 

  • Contribute content to routine reporting (e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, work plan, etc), as required by the component team leader. 
  • Other duties, as assigned by supervisor. 

Key Performance Indicators 

  • Achievement of metrics defined in JOBS’ annual work plan activities assigned to the C2 vocational training team. 
  • Completion of annual work plan activities related to implementation of the ARE strategy and private sector engagement. 
  • Evaluation criteria established with supervisor in the annual performance-review process in (i) performance against scope of work, (ii) passion, patience, perseverance, (iii) team work/values, (iv) technical leadership, and (v) supervision, administration, management. 


The Capacity Building Specialist for Vocational Training reports to the Vocational Training Specialist. 

Critères d'éligibilité

  • • Graduate degree in a field related to workforce development, project management, and/or human resources.
  • • At least 10 years of experience working in Tunisia’s vocational training system.
  • • Experience in two or more of the following areas: vocational training engineering, workforce management, project management in vocational training,
  • • Excellent interpersonal skills, excellent communication skills (verbal and written), outstanding management skills (including ethical management), resourcefulness, flexibility, and creative problem-solving skills.
  • • Fluency in French and English; proficiency in Arabic is strongly preferred.

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