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Call to participate in the Tunisian Young Leaders Academy 3rd edition  Retour vers les opportunités

Association des Jeunes Leaders de Tunis

Lance   Appel à candidatures


15 Novembre 2023 Il y a 8 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call to participate in the Tunisian Young Leaders Academy

3rd edition 

Civil Society Activist? 

Youth interested in following public affairs and the Assembly of People’s Representatives work?

One of your objectives is to improve your personal abilities to provide recommendations and proposals in a specific field?

A great opportunity awaits you! 

Who we are: 

The Tunisian Young Leaders Association is active in Tunisia since 2015. Among its objectives is to work towards human development by consolidating the culture of democracy, rights, freedoms, citizenship, good governance, the fight against corruption and all forms of racial discrimination, by carrying out various activities going from the academic side to the awareness aspect, and mainly linked to the values of democracy and citizenship within society, targeted to young people and citizens in general.

General Context: 

Since the launch of “Eyes on Law” project in 2015 in Tunisia, the Tunisian young Leaders association has been working to raise legal awareness among citizens, men and women, of their rights and freedoms, as guaranteed by the Tunisian constitution and legislation, enables young people to help create communication links between themselves and Tunisian decision-makers.

Thus, was born the idea of creating an academy within Tunisian Young Leaders Association, which was launched in its first edition in 2017 with the participation of more than 20 young men and women from various regions of Tunisia, to track the municipal elections course. Then, the academy continued in 2021 with the participation of 6 youth with the intention of following parliamentary work, understand the process of enacting laws, communicate with representatives, and above all support the idea of the importance of civil society as an effective force in submitting recommendations and proposals.

The third edition of Tunisian Young Leaders will be held over 9 months, from November 2023 to July 2024, ensuring significant participation by young person seeking change despite the challenges and difficulties of the political scene, in addition to the fact that it will represent an opportunity to get to know many actors in Tunisian civil society. 


– The participant must be a young not exceeding 35 years of age

– Interested in public affairs, in particular the work of the Assembly of People’s Representatives.

– The participant must not be currently active in a political party or movement.

– The participant must guarantee relative free time during certain timeframes.

– The participant must reside in one of the main regions of Tunisia or be able to move on request if he/she is resident in other regions. 


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