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(Offre en anglais) The Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med) recrute un Senior Programme Officer – NWSAS Nexus Project Manager Retour vers les opportunités


19 Mars 2017 Il y a 8 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Ariana
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Environnement


The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) is seeking to hire a Senior Programme Officer – NWSAS Nexus Project Manager in the framework of the Project “Making Water Cooperation Happen in the Mediterranean” supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

The Senior Programme Officer (SPO) shall be responsible for the day to day implementation of the Project and the delivery of its outputs, including to manage consultants and subcontractors. Her/His work will ensure that the Project produces the specified results, to the required standard of quality, within the specified timeframe and budget as indicated in the Project document. She/he will report to and be under the supervision of the Transboundary Waters Theme Leader and to the Head of the GWP-Med Tunis Office. She/he shall consult and coordinate with, as necessary, the senior representatives of partner institutions.

More specifically:


  • Under the coordination of the Transboundary Waters Theme Leader, manage the Project in accordance to the Project Document, the contained the rein Logframe Matrix and its Annexes.
  • Assure quality of the project services and outputs.
  • Prepare annual work plans and manage activities, using guidance from the  transboundary Waters Theme Leader and the Steering Committee. The work plans will provide guidance on the day-to-day implementation of the project noting the need for overall coordination with other projects and the various donor funded parallel initiatives. Ensure adherence to the project’s workplans, assist in the preparation of revisions of the workplans to be submitted to the Steering Committee for approval, as required.
  • Monitor progress towards achievement of project objectives and results in line with the Monitoring Plan and budget, propose adaptive actions and apply the resulting insights to the project’s ongoing work in coordination with the Transboundary Waters Theme Leader.
  • Prepare Project reports, budgets and financial reports in collaboration with Finances, as well as any other reports requested by the Transboundary Waters Theme Leader and the Steering Committee.
  • Ensure coordination with project partners and provide managerial guidance for the preparation of the outputs for which the partners are responsible. Oversee compliance of their work with the project annual workplans, Logframe matrix and Monitoring Plan.
  • Supervise the work of consultants and subcontractors.
  • Arrange for the timely recruitment and procurement of quality services and equipment and for implementation of project activities in accord with GWP-Med rules, regulation and standards. Coordinate/contribute in the procurement of services and goods, including through the preparation of ToR, contracts etc.
  • Assume overall responsibility for the proper handling of logistics related to project workshops and events.
  • Contribute in meeting the financial delivery targets set out in the project annual work plans and assist in the reporting on project funds and related record keeping.
  • Ensure adequate information flow, discussions and feedback among the various stakeholders of the project.
  • Liaise with and ensure strategic partnerships with the NWSAS CM and the responsible Institutions of the beneficiaries at the national and sub-national levels and coordinate with them for the implementation of the Project and the achievement of the expected results.
  • Identify, liaise with and engage donors and international financial institutions that will contribute in the effort of the Project for the identification and financing of investments to address Nexus related issues of priority.
  • Make local and international travels per project needs.
  • Assist in identifying funding sources for the replication of activities in additional areas than these that the Project focuses on, ultimately aiming at expansion of activities.
  • Assist in the management of the GWP-Med Tunis Office.

Technical Input

  • Provide technical input to Project implementation based upon professional background and experience.
  • Provide technical guidance to Project partners for the preparation of the outputs for which they are responsible for.
  • Coordinate and/or contribute in the preparation of reports of activities, including Policy Dialogues reports.
  • Facilitate discussions during consultation meetings.
  • Provide specific technical input on the implementation and documentation of project activities directly within her/his technical area including editing and/or drafting and/or proof reading of technical reports and studies in the fields related to the Nexus approach i.e. water resources, agriculture, energy and environment, stakeholders involvement etc. and provide oversight and technical guidance to international and national consultants recruited to undertake/support the implementation of project activities.
  • Develop Terms of References for consultants and sub-contractors.
  • Interact on a technical and substantive level with the members of the Steering Committee, to maximize sustainability of project outcomes. Provide technical support for the preparation of the SC meetings including preparation of agenda, supporting background documents, and reports
  • Assisted by related communications’ staff, be responsible for the outreaching and project results.
  • Represent, as necessary, the project at the Steering Committee meetings, technical meetings and other appropriate fora at regional and international levels.
  • Undertake any other actions related to the project as requested by the Transboundary Waters Theme Leader.
  • Assist/contribute, as needed, in the further development of related GWP-Med thematic agendas.

Corporate competencies

  • Able to coordinate well with diverse individuals and teams and to negotiate effectively with colleagues and stakeholders to achieve results.
  • Applies principles of ethics, transparency and non-discrimination.
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills, ability to lead a team
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations
  • Strong analytical, writing, reporting and presenting abilities.
  • Demonstrated diplomatic and negotiating skills
  • Must be able to demonstrate ability to make significant technical and management contributions to project implementation.
  • University and Post-graduate degree (Masters or equivalent) in environmental management, water resources management, energy or a directly related field, e.g. integrated water resources management, natural resources management, biology, agricultural engineer etc
  • As least 10 years of professional experience, including experience at a Senior Programme management level. [Required]
  • At least 7 years of work experience in fields related to the assignment, including water resources management at basin level; stakeholders’ consultation, dialogues and engagement and; institutional capacity building. [Required]
  • Working experience in the field of Nexus approach OR on integrated planning of water with other sectors including energy, food or environment. [Desired]
  • Working in a transboundary context. [Desired]
  • Working experience with energy or agriculture related issues. [Desired]
  • Working experience in the field of development of basin management plans or in the field energy. [Desired]
  • Very good understanding of the socio-economic and political background in North Africa. [Desired]
  • Working experience with the project national institutions and stakeholders. [Desired]
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills both in English and French are required.

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Meriam Ben Zakour

Programme Assistant

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Appel à candidatures Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 15 mars 2017

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