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Call for volunteers-Shaddah Space Tunis Retour vers les opportunités

International Institute of Debate

Lance   Appel à volontaires


03 Novembre 2021 Il y a 3 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Arts/Culture
Shaddah Space Tunis is a co-working space and capacity building program for social innovators with a primary focus on children, students, and entrepreneurs who want to improve their communication skills in English and public speaking.
➡➡ WANT TO BE PART OF THIS? Shaddah Space is recruiting volunteers to help with the space management and be part of this one-of-a-kind experience!
Type of work: unpaid voluntary work
Address: 12 Rue Du Senegal, Tunis 1002
Contact us at 71 780 069 or info@iidebate.org

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