أعبّر عن رأيي


انتهاء الصلاحية

20 ماي 2020 Il y a 4 years

شارك الفرصة على

تفاصيل الفرصة

الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions
المجالات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة: Développement économique et social






DATE: 30TH APRIL 2020 




  1. Introduction 

AFTURD is a nongovernment organization registered under NGO law in Tunisia in 2001. AFTURD has signed a collaboration agreement with Cooperation for Peace Assembly (ACPP) to participate in implementing the project titled “Co-production of social policies with Social and Solidarity Economy actors to fight poverty, inequality and social exclusion” “MedTOWN” in partnership with 7 other partner organizations and 7 associate members from 6 Euro Mediterranean Countries. 

The purpose of this document is to describe the work to be carried out and the conditions, guidelines, and general technical criteria that should serve as a basis for the performance of the service. 

  1. Background 

MedTOWN is a cooperation project financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument of Cross Border Cooperation within the framework of the Mediterranean Basin 2014-2020 Programme. The main objective of the project is to promote and demonstrate initiatives of co-production of social policies through the cooperation of public, private and social solidarity economy (SSE) sector as well as to strengthen the role and the capacities of the SSE actors in the co-production model through a shared Community of Practice and a better regulated framework. 

MedTOWN is an initiative focused on the combined potential of agents of the social and solidarity economy (SSE), citizenship and local authorities to co-produce the social policies that can fight poverty, inequality, social exclusion and environmental unsustainability in the riparian countries of the Mediterranean basin, providing them with tools and connections to help them build local resilience and foster their transition towards becoming more fair, resilient and sustainable societies in the Euro- Mediterranean region. 

The initiative is based on Action Research to support the design of effective public policies on the provision of social services. To that effect a series of experimental actions deploying a co-production model will be undertaken and will serve both as effective modalities to increase the effectiveness of social services delivery during the project and as test-monitoring of results for policy design. 

The research and analysis will be carried out in-country and regionalized through a Regional Community of Practices and a Regional Research Group who will elaborate studies, papers, seminars, workshops and policy recommendations. A tailored communication strategy will be co-designed with the actors involved both in-country, EU and at regional level, for awareness raising and dissemination. 

The overall approach involves: 

  1. Demonstrative Actions in all Countries. B. Supporting Pilot Projects in Greece, Palestine, Jordan and Tunisia to promote joint action from civil society and local government to support local economy and decent employment, responding to unmet needs for goods and services and helping to build trust and social cohesion C. Policy support through study of country’s specific regulatory and legal frameworks, analysis of the results of the actions supported and the creation of sub-regional recommendations and 

lessons learned that will facilitate the interchange of experience during project development, the replication of actions and strategies in Mediterranean countries, and cross-border cooperation D. Monitoring and analysis of the outcomes of the demonstrative actions and pilot projects. A joint database and platform will be developed, and operationalized through the Regional Research Group to facilitate the replication, adaptation and implementation of projects and initiatives, as well as inter-cooperation between economic and social agents and institutions, and between countries. E. Multi-level communication aiming at revealing and clearly explaining, using quantifiable data and different tools, out-of-the-box approaches and perspectives that can lead to greater well- being, resilience and decision-making ability in the communities and regions participating in the project. 

The implementation period of the project is 36 months from 05/09/2019 to 04/09/2022. 

The partnership is composed by 9 partner organizations from 6 Mediterranean countries and 9 associate partners. 


  • BEN: Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), NGO, Spain 
  • P1: Tier 1 Technology SL (Tier 1 SL), Private Economic Operator, Spain 
  • P2: Scientific Society for Social Cohesion and Development (EPEKSA), No Profit, Greece 
  • P3: Agricultural Development Association (PARC), NGO, Palestine 
  • P4: Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), NGO, Jordan 
  • P5: Association of Tunisian Women for research on development (AFTURD), No Profit, Tunisia 
  • P6: Campolide Local Authority,Department of Social Services (JFC), Public Adm., Portugal 
  • P7: Palestinian Hydrology Group for Water and Environmental Resources Development (PHG), NGO, Palestine 
  • P8: Department of Social Affairs and Sports, Regional Government of Balearic Islands (CAIB), Public Adm., Spain 


  • ASS1: Municipality of Seville, Spain 
  • ASS2: Andalusian Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AACID), ES 
  • ASS3: Ministry of Labour, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity, Greece 
  • ASS4: Ministry of the Women, Family and Childhood (MFFE), Tunisia 
  • ASS5: Birzeit University, Palestine 
  • ASS6: Environmental Quality Authority (EQA), Palestine 
  • ASS7: Ministry of Social Affairs (MSA), Tunisia 
  1. Legal basis 

The following laws and regulations shall be considered for this tender and subsequently for contracting: 

– Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 1046/2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018, 

concerning the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union; – Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 of 18 December 1995 on the protection of the financial 

interests of the European Communities; – Regulation (EC) No 232/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 11, 2014, establishing 

a European Neighborhood Instrument; – Common rules for the application of ENI (Regulation (EC) No 236/2014) laying down common rules and 

procedures for the application of the Union instruments for the financing of external projects; – Rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 897/2014 of 18 August 2014 laying down specific provisions for the application of cross-border cooperation programs financed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 232 / 2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council creating a European Neighborhood Instrument; – Regulation (EU) no 1407/2013 of the European Commission of 18 December 2013, concerning the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de Minimis aid; – Joint Operational Program for the Mediterranean Sea Basin of ENI CBC approved by the European 

Commission on 12/17/2015 (Decision No C (2015) 9133), and its annexes; – All manuals and guidelines issued by the Program, in its latest version; – The Financing Agreements signed between the European Commission and the Mediterranean Associated 

Countries; – Relevant Tunisian Laws and Regulations – The Grant Contract with the reference number MedTOWN A_A.3.2_0265 (04/09/2019) between the Peace 

Cooperation Assembly and the Management Authority of the ENI CBC MED Program 2014-2020 – The Association Agreement between the partners of the MedTOWN project 

  1. Purpose of the Tender 

The purpose of this tender is to solicit the service of one or more entities or natural persons who can offer services of research and evaluation of the economic impact of the demonstrative actions that will be implemented by the MedTOWN project in Tunisia. In addition, research services on quantitative and qualitative research methods exist in Mediterranean Area is required. The service required under this tender document is described under Section 5 of this tender. 

  1. Required Service 

Details of the service required are described hereunder: 

Title: Social and Solidarity Economy Researcher for the demonstrative action in Tunisia. 

Budget: 22,775 euros including VAT 

Description of Required Service 

Recruitment of two researchers in Social and Solidarity Economy for action research, monitoring of the local demonstrative action, and to ensure public policy dialogue for Tunisia. 

Residence: Preferably in the area where the demonstrative action is carried out. The proximity of your habitual residence to the locality where the demonstration action takes place will be an assessment criterion. 

Dedication: It must guarantee a dedication of 12 hours per week during 30 months, excluding vacation periods, to be distributed according to the schedule attached in Annex 3. 


  1. Describe the local economic and legal framework for the co-production of public policies and the SSE, 

as described in Annex 1. 

  1. To produce a report on the state of the art of the co-production of public policies with the actors of the 

Social and Solidarity Economy at a local level. 

  1. To map Social and Solidarity Economy actors as well as public administrations that may become 

involved and participate in the demonstration action, as defined in Annex 2. 

  1. Identify other local researchers (NGR) interested in the subject, and who are voluntarily interested in following the progress of the demonstration action, in order to form a national group of researchers in their country. 
  2. Collaborate in the definition of the evaluation framework and indicators for the evaluation and 

monitoring of the demonstration action with the MedTOWN research team. 

  1. Participate in the development of national guidelines to transfer content from research agendas to national policies and to ensure policy dialogue, in the languages of their territory and in English, and disseminate them within the national research group. 
  2. To carry out a participatory observation, taking part in the weekly coordination and follow-up meetings of the demonstration action that will act as the axis of coordination of the local partner responsible for the implementation of the demonstration action with the external agents involved, as well as in other dynamics and interactions when relevant. 
  3. Carry out the research according to the parameters defined in the methodology for measuring social and economic impact, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and according to the mapping, monitoring and evaluation needs that are defined. 
  4. Ensure the correct collection of quantitative data on transactions and operations carried out in the demonstration action, for the calculation of the defined indicators, with the collaboration of the supranational team of researchers of MedTOWN (RRG). 
  5. To regularly share the monitoring of the demonstration action with the team of researchers from 

other countries and with the supranational team of researchers. 

  1. Collaborate in the generation of three follow-up reports, one initial, one partial and one final. 
  2. The NRGs will contribute to the study and during the last year will review the findings at the national 

level to develop public policy recommendations. 

  1. Co-present the results of the three follow-up reports at one of the three meetings and assume the travel costs of their own travel and stay. The meetings will take place throughout the project in Tunisia, Greece and the Balearic Islands. 
  2. Collaborate with the local facilitator/trainer and the team of each project partner for the correct 

monitoring of the demonstration action and to select and evaluate a second round of pilot projects. 

Qualifications Required: 

– Bachelor’s degree preferably in economics, sociology and anthropology or BSc in engineering degree. – Proven research experience in the field of Social and Solidarity Economy. – A doctoral degree in Social and Solidarity Economy will be valued – Research experience in social and complementary currencies will be valued. – An address close to the demonstrative action will be valued – Mastery of the local language and English. – The use of bibliographic reference management tools such as Zotero will be valued. 

  1. Instruction to Tenderers 

– Tenderer shall respond to this call of tenders within the defined time and date set under item 7. – Tenderers shall submit all required information and documentation as required. – Tenderer may apply for one lot or in case of entities for all lots. – In case of partnerships and consortiums, partnership agreement shall be submitted with the tender and 

roles of partners shall be clearly defined. – AFTURD has the right to award the tender to one or more tenderers. Each lot may be awarded 

independently to different tenderer. – Once awarded, regular meetings will be held with AFTURD and its partners and associated entities to 

coordinate the different studies being carried out during this period. – Tenderers shall offer the maximum number of tools and instruments within the scope of the project in 

order to achieve a quality and representative result. – The necessary data and resources will be made available to the contractor(s) in order to correctly 

develop the studies. – At the beginning of the project, the system to be used to share bibliographic references will be defined in agreement with all researchers and will be shared by the entire scientific team (Zotero, Mendeley, etc.). The type of system that each applicant knows and handles, if any, must be specified.


Criteria to consider in the award 

Tenders which have passed the exclusion and selection phases will be assessed against the award criteria, which are divided into quality criteria and price. 

The tender will be awarded according to the best price-quality ratio. The quality of the tender will be evaluated based on the Technical offer. The maximum total quality score is 80 points. The price will be evaluated according to the Economic offer. The maximum total price score is 20. 

The criteria to be taken into account, when considering which the most adequate proposal is, will be, in a decreasing manner, those indicated below, according to the weighting detailed for each of them: 

Technical offer (80 points) 

– Proposal, experience, resources and equipment (up to 40 points). 

– Methodological approach (adaptation to needs and innovative elements) (up to 25 points). Three points 1 will be awarded for each publication, from the members of the team that appear in their CVs, in the most relevant scientific journals or books (with ISBN), two in the medium relevant ones and one in the less relevant ones, which contain the curricula vitae of the researchers (all references will be checked). 

-Scientific synergies: It will be especially valued that the applicants have plans to carry out research related to the object of this contract during the period of execution of the same, and that said research can be used for the work included in this contract. In the event of wishing to accredit this situation, it will be necessary to include in the offer a section on “synergies” describing such research, the dedication that it will obtain on the part of the applicants and how it relates to the work envisaged in this contract (up to 15 points). 

Economic Offer (20 points) 

Economic offers should be in Euro (including VAT), should be one for each Lot, and should not exceed the amount approved for each Lot. All offers that will exceed the approved amount will be excluded. 

Also, economic offers should not be lower than 90% of the total approved budget. 

1 (If any of the offers exceed 40 points, the overall rating scale will be lowered so that all offers fall below 30 points). 

After evaluation of the quality of the tender, the tenders are ranked using the formula below to determine the tender offering best value for money. 

A weight of 80/100 is given to quality and a weight of 20/100 is given to price. 

Score for tender= price score + quality score 

o Price score (maximum 20 points): X = (cheapest price / price of tender) * 20 

o Quality score (maximum 80 points): ∑ all award criteria of the technical offer of tender. 

  1. Processing of the file and award procedure 

The hiring will be processed with open procedure looking for those companies or organizations that offer their services and valuing them according to different valuation criteria (see point 11). 

  1. Implementation Time Plan 

The activities described in this tender will be developed during the period from 2020 to 2022: 

The planned recruitments will be made and staff incorporated into the project by the end of June 2020. 

The period of implementation of the activities will be linked to the availability of data in time and form to carry out studies and reports. 

Annex 3 shows an indicative schedule of deliveries of products whose compliance is necessary for the collection of services 

  1. Territorial Scope 

The territorial scope of the project will be mainly Tunisia. It will also be necessary to travel to carry out meetings with other project participants in other countries included in the project. 

  1. Budget applications 

The expenditure arising from part A of this contract, including VAT, will be charged to the External expertise and Services budget application under “National Researcher in Tunisia”, WP5: € 22.775,00 (including VAT) 

  1. Payment scheme 

All invoices issued by the contractor must reflect the name of the project: “MEDTOWN”, and the contract number, as a requirement for payment. 

Payments will be made progressively in 4 phases: 

  1. A first advance payment of 30% of the total contract value will be madeafter the signing of the contract. 2. A second payment of 20% of the total contract value on 30 November 2020 3. A third payment of 20% of the total contract value on 30 November 2021 4. The last payment of 30% will be made with the delivery of the total of the products and activities of the 


In order to make each payment, it shall be a prerequisite that all the documents scheduled for delivery before the date of the payment in question have been delivered, in accordance with the schedule detailed in Annex 3. 

Payments will be made within 21 days from the date of invoice. 

  1. Eligibility of Tenderers 

– Participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons [participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers] which are effectively established in a Member State of the European Union or in a eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action (CIR) for the applicable instrument under which the contract is financed. Participation is also open to international organisations.] – Individuals who may wish to apply for either lot shall submit proves of compliance with local tax laws. – Individuals who may wish to apply for either lots shall submit proves of compliance with tax laws 

applicable in their country. Comply with the obligations derived from the general regulations on occupational risk prevention. Tenderer complies with the current provisions on labour matters, social integration of persons with disabilities, effective equality of women and men, tax, protection of personal data, and environmental matters. 

Failure to comply with the eligibility requirements will make the offer presented dismissed. 

  1. Grounds for exclusion 

Bidders will be excluded from participation in procurement procedures if: 

– they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; 

– they, or persons having powers of representation, decision or control over them, have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment of a competent authority which has the force of res judicata; (i.e. against which no appeal is possible); 

– they have been guilty of serious professional misconduct proven by any means which the contracting authority can justify; 

– they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the contracting authority or those of the country where the contract is to be performed; 

– that they, or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them, have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, participation in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity, where such illegal activity is detrimental to the EU’s financial interests; 

– are currently subject to an administrative penalty; 

– Contracts may not be awarded to candidates, applicants or bidders who, during the procurement or grant award procedures, were not selected, or 

– are subject to a conflict of interest; 

– are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the contracting authority as a condition of participation in the contract procedure or fail to supply this information; 

– are in one of the situations of exclusion from this procurement procedure or grant award procedure. 

  1. Confidentiality of information 

The contractor must respect the confidentiality of the information to which he has access due to the execution of the contract. 

The contractor undertakes to respect the strictest confidentiality with respect to all technical, commercial or other information that is recorded as part of the execution of the Service. 

  1. Notification of the award and formalization of the contract 

The participants will be notified of the decision to award the contract within a maximum of five calendar days following the opening of tenders session (paragraph 10 of these specifications). 

In the notification of the award addressed to the successful bidder, the interested party will be summoned so that, within a maximum period of five calendar days following its receipt, it can tender the contract. 

  1. Labour, social, fiscal, personal data protection, and environmental obligations of the contractor 

The contractor will be obliged to comply with the provisions in force regarding social and tax security and, for companies, also in labour, safety and health at work, social integration of people with disabilities, effective equality of women and men, of protection of personal data, and in environmental matters. 

  1. Work program 

Candidates selected shall submit, before signing the contract, a program in accordance with the provisions established, in which those responsible, conditions and terms of service shall be indicated. 

  1. Protection of personal data 

The contractor is obliged to comply with the requirements set forth in current regulations regarding the protection of personal data and, in particular, those contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and the regulation on data protection applicable Tunisia. 

In any case, the contractor will not be able to access documents, files, systems and media that contain personal data without express authorization. 

  1. Faculty of AFTURD on maintenance of quality standards in the provision of the service 

The contractor must maintain quality standards and benefits equivalent to the economic criteria that served as the basis for the award of the contract. 

The contractor – in the case of a company – must have substitute personnel with sufficient qualifications and experience to be able to replace the people who provide the services under the contract in cases of vacations, absences and / or illnesses. 

  1. Subcontracting or assignment of the contract 

The transfer of the contract to other parties is prohibited. Winning contractor may subcontract up to 50% of the contract value to qualified persons or entities subject to the prior approval of AFTURD. 


Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy (1) 

Country level information: 

– Information on the state and development of social enterprises 

– Information regarding the legal opportunities for public administrations to contract actors of the social and solidarity economy for the delivery of public services and public policies. 

– Complementary currency legal framework in connection with the management of assets and payments in the framework of coproduction among public administrations and actors of the social and solidarity economy. 

  1. Information on the state and development of social enterprises. 

– Introduction: The origins, development dynamics and balance of organisational types that have been referred to, labelled or defined as ‘social enterprise’. Application of operational definition to identify social enterprise spectrum. 

– Regional geography of social enterprises: 

o Legal form of social enterprises. 

Please list the types of legal forms used for social businesses in the member state and the laws that regulate them. 

Do social businesses benefit from any tax incentives or fiscal exemptions? Please give examples of where a social business’ use of volunteers or ability to receive donations has tax implications. 

Do social businesses benefit from any other exemptions or privileges? 

o Other categorisations of social enterprises (not legal terms, could include self- 

defined terms). 

o Ownership/ governance patterns. 

o Networks of social enterprises: consortia and umbrella groupings (e.g. for 

procurement purposes) set up by social enterprises. 

  1. Please summarise the social enterprise ecosystem within your country that is likely to affect the 

development of the demonstrative action in your country. This involves: Identification of the key actors/ agencies within the following groups: 

  1. Governmental departments or institutions designing or implementing policy, support, 

instruments and measures for social enterprises and infrastructures. 

  1. Authorities designing and enforcing public procurement legislation, or putting these in 


  1. Authorities designing and enforcing legal, fiscal and regulatory frameworks. 
  2. Organisations promoting, certifying and awarding social business labels, social business prizes, social reporting systems and other mechanisms to generate awareness and acknowledge the social value of the products, services or ways of production of social enterprises 
  3. Institutions, civil society initiatives or other social enterprises promoting social 

entrepreneurship education and training, and presenting role models 

  1. Organisations that have the capacity act as an observatory and to monitor the 

development and to the assess needs and opportunities of social entrepreneurs/social enterprises. 

  1. Providers of social enterprise start up and development support services and facilities 

(such as incubators). 

  1. Facilitators of learning and exchange platforms for social enterprises regarding business models, management tools and practices, and participatory approaches in driving social innovation. 
  2. Organisers of social enterprise (support) networks, associations and pacts that engage in 

advocacy, mutual learning and facilitating joint action 

  1. Organisers/managers of business links (trading, subcontracting) between social 

enterprises and with mainstream enterprises (SMEs and corporations). 

  1. Organisers/managers of collaborative action with (incumbent) institutions and 

organisations delivering key social or community services or social security benefits as part of the welfare system. 

  1. Providers of social finance (social impact investors or funds, philanthropic investors, 

social finance intermediaries, social business angels, crowd funding platforms etc.) for social enterprises and support infrastructures 

  1. Organisations providing assistance to enhance the investment and contract readiness of 

social enterprises. 

– Information regarding the legal opportunities for public administrations to contract actors of the social and solidarity economy for the delivery of public services and public policies (coproduction). Please identify and describe any possibility available in your country for actors in the social and solidarity economy to deliver public services. 

  1. Legal framework for complementary currencies. 
  2. Please describe the legal framework for the use of electronic money in your country, in 

connection with the delivery of public services and policies. 

  1. Mapping the legal framework for complementary currencies in connection with the 

delivery of public services in coproduction with the actors of the social and solidarity economy can be helpful from this six key areas of law: 

  1. Taxation ii. Social Security and Employment iii. Financial Services, Money Laundering and Note Printing iii. Insurance iv. Data Protection and Health and Safety v. Public Sector acceptance of the complementary currencies 

The document will analyse which of these 4 generic currency models could be used for coproduction by the actors of the social and solidarity economy with the public administration: 

  1. LETS 2. Timebank 3. Legal tender Backed Currency 4. Closed Loop Payment System 

And from those which can, it will describe how are they affected by the relevant legislation. 


Mapping the Social and Solidarity Economy (2) 

Organizations information: 

– List of organizations, particularly in your area, that might be relevant for MedTOWN project. 

We need to pinpoint Social enterprises and organizations in your area that might be collaborating somehow with the demonstrative action we are undertaking. 

We will need some details about them. The basic information we can work with is these data for each organization (We will send you a google form for you to fill out the information more easily): 

  1. Name: b. Type of organization: c. Number of: Employees, volunteers, members, associates, etc. d. What does the organization do? e. What interest do they serve? f. For what group of people? g. Why do you think it might be of interest in relation with MedTOWN project? 

Other stakeholder information: 

– List of people, particularly in your area, that might be relevant for MedTOWN project. 

  1. Name: b. Type of interest (researcher, activists, etc) c. What interest do they serve? d. For what group of people? e. Why do you think it might be of interest in relation with MedTOWN project? 


This time plan is orientative. The dates and deadlines may change according to programme development. 

Nbr Activity Output start 

end – deadline 

Technical support on the demonstrative actions. 

Researcher attends weekly meetings with the partner’s managing team of the demonstrative action. Jully-20 sep-22 

Each national researcher will undertake a pre-, a post- and mid-term monitoring of each Demonstrative Action, applying the Monitoring and Evaluation plan parameters. 

pre-, a post and mid-term monitoring or evaluation report of the demonstrative action Jully-20 sep-22 

Participate in the exchange of professionals online and in the national events of the Scientific Board in its own country presenting main findings, and one Scientific Board international event, to be agreed. 

National Research Group (NRG) in action and active community of Practise (Community of Practise) to encourage policy dialogue Jully-20 sep-22 4 Analyse the Outlines of the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and formulate a recommendation, including possible amendments and additions to it. 

Report on the recommendations of the Outlines of the Monitoring and Evaluation plan. Monitoring and Evaluation plan updated 

ene-20 sep-20 

Map strategic Social and Solidarity Economy Two actors, local-national public and private stakeholders that will be involved in the project, legal framework for co-production and complementary currency systems, legal framework for co-production and complementary currency systems. 

preliminary Studies per nation (existing regulations and in Social and Solidarity Economy, Public Contract possibilities for Social and Solidarity Economy actors and for the use of Complementary Currency systems in the delivery of these contracts, and a list of Social and Solidarity Economy actors suitable to become stakeholders of the demonstrative action) National Level 

Jully-20 sep-20 

Produce key findings from the research of the 

One abstract per nation of Papers on co-production Demonstrative Actions. Correct M&E plan when 

and Complementary currencies including key needed 


nov-20 may-21 

7 Produce National policy Recommendations based in the key findings from the research of the Demonstrative Actions. 

One National Policy Recommendations (in each nation) on co-production and Complementary currency systems: 1st set of recommendations after the Demonstrative Actions 

nov-20 aug-21 

8 Produce Regional policy Recommendations based in the key findings from the research of the Demonstrative Actions. 

One Regional Policy Recommendations on co- production and Complementary Currency systems: 1st set of recommendations after the Demonstrative Actions 

nov-20 ago-21 

Two Updated Studies per nation on existing regulations and Social and Solidarity Economy, Public 

Map strategic Social and Solidarity Economy actors, local-national public and private stakeholders that will be involved in the project. 

Contract possibilities for Social and Solidarity Economy actors and for the use of Complementary Currency systems in the delivery of these contracts and a list of Social and Solidarity Economy actors suitable to become stakeholders of the demonstrative action). 

sep-21 aug-22 

10 Generate recommendations on the evaluation methodologies for the call for proposals of pilot projects. 

Recommendations report about how to best evaluate the pilot projects submitted to the call for proposals, based on the social and economic impact of the projects. 

dic-20 ene-22 

11 Update Monitoring and evaluation plan including 

pilot projects 

pre-, a post and mid-term monitoring report of the demonstrative action or evaluation 

ene-21 feb-21 


Produce key findings updates from the research of the Demonstrative Actions and pilot projects. Correct Monitoring and Evaluation plan when needed 

One Paper per nation on coproduction with including key findings feb-21 abr-21 

13 Produce National policy recommendations based in the key findings from the research of the Demonstrative Actions. 

One National Policy Recommendations on co- production and Complementary Currency systems: 2nd set of recommendations after the Pilot Projects 

abr-21 sep-22 

abr-21 sep-22 


Declaration on honour on mandatory criteria, exclusion criteria, selection criteria and conflict of interest. 

The undersigned [insert name of the signatory of this form], representing: 

(only for natural persons) himself or herself 

(only for legal persons) the following legal person: 


ID or passport number: 

(‘the person’) 

Full official name: 

Official legal form: 

Statutory registration number

Full official address: 

VAT registration number: 

(‘the person’) 

The person is not required to submit the declaration on exclusion criteria if the same declaration has already been submitted for the purposes of another award procedure of the same contracting authority2, provided the situation has not changed, and that the time that has elapsed since the issuing date of the declaration does not exceed one year. 

In this case, the signatory declares that the person has already provided the same declaration on exclusion criteria for a previous procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation: 

Date of the declaration Full reference to previous procedure 

The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation (if this is your case): 

Document Full reference to previous procedure Insert as many lines as necessary. 

Selection criteria 

2 The same institution or agency. 

declares that the above-mentioned person complies with the selection criteria applicable to it individually as provided in the tender documents: YES NO N/A 

(a) It has the legal and regulatory capacity to pursue the professional activity needed for performing the contract as required in sections 6 and 7 of the contract notice (b) It fulfills the applicable technical and professional criteria indicated in 

section 11 of the contract notice (c) It has no conflict of interest in carrying out the works described in this tender and working with the parties mentioned in section 2 (Background). 

the above-mentioned person is the sole tenderer or the leader in case of a consortium, declares that: YES NO N/A 

(d) the tenderer, including all members of the group in case of consortium and including subcontractors if applicable, complies with all the selection criteria, the mandatory requirements indicated in section 15, and is not in any of the cases indicated in section 16 “Grounds for Exclusion” for which a consolidated assessment will be made as provided in the tender documents. 

Evidence for selection 

The signatory declares that the above-mentioned person is able to provide the necessary supporting documents listed in the relevant sections of the tender documents and which are not available electronically upon request and without delay. 

The person is not required to submit the evidence if it has already been submitted for another procurement procedure of the same contracting authority3. The documents must have been issued no more than one year before the date of their request by the contracting authority and must still be valid at that date. 

The signatory declares that the person has already provided the documentary evidence for a previous procedure and confirms that there has been no change in its situation: 

Document Full reference to previous procedure Insert as many lines as necessary. 

The above-mentioned person may be subject to rejection from this procedure and to administrative sanctions (exclusion or financial penalty) if any of the declarations or information provided as a condition for participating in this procedure prove to be false.] 

3 The same institution or agency. 

Full name Date Signature 



Reference of the Call of Tenders 


In response to the above mentioned call of tenders we hereby submit the financial offer. This offer is valid for a period of 90 days from the final date for submission of tenders. 

Cost Category Output – Item Value in Euros 

(without VAT) 

Value in Euros (including VAT) 

External Services 

National Researcher for Tunisia ……………… € ……………… € 

Total Value ……………. € ……………. € 

Place, date 

Signature and stamp of the tenderer 

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