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19 Septembre 2022 Il y a 2 years

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The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is a non-governmental, independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization engaged in electoral technical assistance and civic education worldwide. Since 2011, IFES has been implementing programs to support the democratic transition in Tunisia.


The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) offers the opportunity for civil society organizations in Tunisia to participate in the Youth Change Makers (YCM) program. The YCM aims to encourage young Tunisians, especially Youth with disabilities, Black Youth, and Youth living in rural areas, to actively participate in civic and political life, notably for the upcoming legislative elections. The YCM’s initiatives will be conducted by implementing innovative and creative activities in their regions that will lead to more engagement among youth, particularly the groups mentioned above to becoming more informed about the upcoming legislative elections. Illustrative activities could include but are not limited to artistic initiatives, digital campaigns on social media, cultural events, sports, etc.

IFES strongly encourages creative ideas and the implementation of activities in the following governorates: Jendouba, Sidi bouzid, Beja, Kef, Tataouine, Gafsa, Tozeur, Medenine, Bizerte, Gasserine, Kairouan, Kbelli, and Gabes.

In addition to the financial grant, the awarded organizations in the framework of this call will receive refresher training on project management, monitoring and evaluation, and financial management.


GRANT SIZE: 30,000 TND for each grant.



The implementation period for the project is from November 1st until January 31, 2023.



Locally registered Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Non-Political Party Organizations, or other similar not-for-profit institutions are invited to apply. The DPOs, CSOs, NGOs, or CBOs should be legally registered as non-governmental organizations in the Tunisian Official Journal (JORT). In addition, organizations should not have political or religious affiliations.

Individuals and the following organizations are not eligible to access funding:

  • Governmental and semi-governmental institutions
  • International organizations
  • Political parties or organizations affiliated with or engaging in partisan or religious activities.
  • Organizations running on a for-profit basis

Annexe 1_ Application Form YCM 2022 FR_ENG_AR

Annexe-2- YCM Budget-Template-FR_ENG_AR

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 15 September 2022

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