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Call for proposals: Civil society organisations in Tunisia Retour vers les opportunités


28 Juin 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


The International Day of Democracy (IDD)

In 2007, the UN General Assembly decided to celebrate the International Day of Democracy (IDD) on 15 September each year in order to promote and defend the principles of democracy. Since 2011, democratic progress in Tunisia has been undeniable. Civic spaces multiplied, Tunisia adopted a new constitution in January 2014 followed by the democratic legislative and presidential elections, and the National Dialogue Quartet won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015.

Since 2016, at the initiative of IFES, Tunisia celebrated the International Day of Democracy with various local and international partners in order to:


  • Promote a positive discourse by focusing attention on democratic progress to reignite the enthusiasm post-2011;
  • Raise awareness about the fact that strengthening democracy is the responsibility of all components of the society;
  • Encourage citizen participation through the implementation of concrete community actions.

The 2021 IDD edition will discuss the importance of civic education and the crucial role it plays to reinforce and stabilize democracy.



To celebrate the IDD in the regions, IFES Tunisia is launching a call for proposals targeting civil society organizations in Tunisia to design and implement regional tents and activities at the local level. It is critical that the IDD is celebrated throughout the country. The overall objective of the call is to showcase the cultural and artistic vision of democracy and spark dialogue and festivity about civic participation in the regions. 

The applicant can target any governorate(s) in Tunisia. However, in order for the IDD to reach more regions, It is preferable to implement activities in the following governorates: Gafsa, Gabes, Sousse, Bizerte, Kebili, Zaghouan, Kef, Sidi Bouzid, Tataouine, Jendouba, Monastir, and Mahdia, Seliana, Sfax, and Kasserine.

Proposals should highlight innovation in the promotion of civic education and its importance. The activities may include events such as debates, café-talks, street theater, artistic public events, photo contests, CSO fairs, street art, YouthTalks, etc.

The CSO can choose from 1 up to 6 governorates to implement their activities in. 

If we receive a variety of innovative initiatives, IFES is willing to give up to 3 awards. 

In addition to the financial grant, the awarded organizations in the framework of this call will receive a refresher training on project management.



Minimum: 3,000 TND

Maximum: 18,000 TND



The implementation period for the project should be minimum 1 month and maximum 2 months. The activities implementation should start 15 August and finish by 15 September at the latest.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 18 juin 2021

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