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Appel aux femmes entrepreneurs / militantes entant que speakers dans la Conférence “She_Can Tunisie” (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


05 Septembre 2015 Il y a 10 ans

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What Is The She Can All About?

If you’ve got big ideas AND the commitment to bring those ideas to life She Can will be a pouring accelerant on a flame – it will supercharge your momentum. The She Can conference will stretch you, push you and pull you toward your highest and best destiny. So get ready for a life-changing experience. By attending this event and participating fully, you WILL walk away with: 1) Influential contacts and connections – people who could change your career forever; 2) Innovative ideas for your business – the kind that fast track your results; 3) Solutions for problems and challenges – that you didn’t even realize were holding you back; and 4) The latest tools and resources – to leverage your strengths and magnify and multiply your outcomes.

You can Nominate any influential woman leader who inspired you in Tunisia .There are no criteria for selecting these great women leaders and activists .We do not define any frame for leadership and inspiration .Nominate Her (here) and make her voice heard .

We do encourage women with special needs to be among us .Whether you have completed your grad school or do not master any language aside from Arabic .Speaking about your success is not related to such stereotypes .

Who are we ?

She can is a great initiative which was launched by Startup Grind Cairo and upon a cross-borders partnership with Young Leaders Entrepreneurs -a youth-led association in Tunisia that seeks to foster an entrepreneurial spirit through its various mentorship programs .

For more information please visit :


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 28 août 2015

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