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Call for Expressions of Interest( Ma3an) -FHI360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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25 Juillet 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call for Expressions of Interest

Ma3an National Partners for Solutions to Violent Extremism (SOLVE) Activities



The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is funding the Ma3an project, a five-year (September 2018 – August 2023) project that aims to increase youth participation in civic and political life, address youth grievances, and prevent radicalization in Tunisian communities vulnerable to violent extremism (VE). Ma3an is implemented by FHI 360, a non-profit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally-driven solutions. 

Ma3an is pleased to announce the release of this call for Expression of Interest to identify 3 local civil society organizations (CSO) partners to support FHI 360/Ma3an in co-designing and training local actors to implement the Solutions to Violent Extremism (SOLVE) process in Tunisian Governorates. Ma3an will support community actors – youth, civil society, local authorities, public sector, private sector, etc. – to develop and collaboratively implement locally-led solutions which aim to prevent and counter VE (P/CVE). Specifically, through the three-phased Solutions to VE (SOLVE) process, local actors will:

  1. Collect and analyze information on their community’s context, dynamics, and drivers, that influence vulnerability to VE, in addition to the P/CVE programming landscape to produce Community VE Snapshots.
  2. Convene key stakeholders in SOLVE Dialogues to validate and develop findings from the Snapshots, prioritize VE issues on which to focus, and define priority actions that directly address these issues. 
  3. Collaborate on implementing P/CVE solutions they have prioritized and designed. 

Ma3an is partnering with the “Commission Nationale de Lutte Contre le Terrorisme” (CNLCT) on its P/CVE activities and will be working closely with the CNLCT local representatives on the SOLVE process specifically. Ma3an will select and sign 3 partnership agreements with 3 national CSOs to take the lead on this process in close coordination with the Ma3an team, the CNLCT, and community partners in governorates in which Ma3an works. Each of the 3 selected partners will support Ma3an by training local partners and/or directly implementing activities in one of the 3 zones.

  • ZONE  I
    • Ariana
    • Ben Arous
    • Benzart
    • Beja 
    • Jendouba 
    • Manouba
    • Nabeul
    • Tunis
  • ZONE  II        
    • El Kef
    • Kasserine
    • Kairouan
    • Monastir
    • Mahdia
    • Sousse
    • Siliana
    • Zaghouan
    • Gabes
    • Gafsa
    • Kebili
    • Medenine
    • Sfax
    • Sidi Bouzid
    • Tozeur
    • Tataouine

Following its review of submitted Expressions of Interest, FHI 360 / Ma3an will share the full Request for Applications (RFA) with all eligible organizations that submitted Expressions of Interest.  The RFA will detail the scope of work and the final selection process. All organizations receiving the RFA will also be invited to bidders’ orientation sessions. 

The value of each grant shall not exceed 250,000 TND (A maximum total of 700,000 TND for the 3 grants) for implementation in the 24 Governorates (8 governorates per grantee). Successful Applicant(s) will be awarded grants for an anticipated 12-month period of performance. 

Critères d'éligibilité

  • The organization is operational and a legally registered not-for profit non-governmental organization in Tunisia.
  • The organization is currently present in and/or demonstrates their ability to operate and launch activities in at least three governorates in one of the specified zones (listed in Table 1 above) by September 2021.
  • The organization must not be listed in any US Government and International excluded parties list due to their affiliation with unlawful activities.
  • The organization’s mission and past programming experience is relevant to the technical and programming areas related to the SOLVE process; relevant areas could include: the design and implementation of community level activities to prevent and counter violent extremism, research, methodology design, and/or training design and facilitation.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 13 juillet 2021

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