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Call for expression of interest Retour vers les opportunités


30 Novembre 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Détails de l'opportunité


In Tunisia, CBOs, grassroots organizations, and social impact businesses have contributed to a variety of initiatives aimed at advancing human rights and incorporating the Humanitarian-Peace-Development nexus. They play a significant role in fostering peace in the country, but face at the same time numerous challenges and constantly changing circumstances.

Financial viability is one of these challenges threatened by the lack of quality internal governance structures, fundraising expertise, and especially access to available opportunities.

No one doubts the importance of financial stability for this target, especially since they are playing an important role in reducing unemployment rates and improving the social and even economic environment. Perhaps this stability should be made through diversification of funding sources, which enables them to live for a longer period in a stable manner to ensure the sustainability of work, the development of activities and the achievement of goals.

Presentation of the project:


The project intends to enable community-based and grassroots non-profit groups, all along with social impact businesses to maximize the use of information and data to access financing opportunities through creating a guide/ mapping about available funding opportunities in Tunisia for all levels of growth (entry stage, medium, scale up, etc.)


Focus group:


In order to prepare the guide, a focus group on will take place December 20th with 10 organizations, this call is destined for CBOs and startups to manifest their interest in participating in this exercise.


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 30 March 2023

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