13 Octobre 2024 Il y a 5 mois
Youth-led Initiative:
Call for Event Agency
RQTUN250007-Exhibition and Networking Event – Sousse-18 October 2024Organization:
FHI 360 is a global development organization that employs a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff comprises experts in civil society, peacebuilding, health, nutrition, education, economic development, environment, and research. Operating from60 offices with4,200 staff in the U.S. and worldwide, FHI 360 is committed to partnerships at every level. Ourmultidisciplinary approach enables us to make a lasting impact on the individuals, communities, and countries we serve, improving lives for millions.
Project Overview:
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funds the Ma3an project, aseven-year initiative (September 2018 – August 2025) aimed at increasing Tunisian youthcivicengagement and economic empowerment to foster sustainable, inclusive development in Tunisia. Ma3an is implemented by FHI 360, a non-profit human development organization dedicatedtoimproving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions.
Ma3an Youth-Led Initiatives in Sousse:
The Ma3an project supports the implementation of youth-led initiatives in Sousse, includingtheestablishment of an upcycling club (bricolage) at the Centre de Défense et d’IntégrationSociale(CDIS) – Sousse. The Upcycling Club aims to equip 100 out-of-school youth with skillstotransform plastic, wood, iron, and crystal waste into handmade products. Leveraging Sousse’stourism and industrial potential, this initiative creates economic opportunities supportedbycommunity actors, including the Awledna and YALD associations. The Upcycling Club, incollaboration with YCC and CDIS, will host an exhibition and networking event to showcaseproducts created by youth through upcycling initiatives. The event aims to connect the youngparticipants with a wide range of service providers, including financial institutions and potential buyers, offering valuable networking opportunities and promoting their products. The primarygoal is to facilitate market access for young entrepreneurs and highlight their creative skills.
Responsibilities of the Event Agency
∙ Logistics: Organize the exhibition space and set up booths for the young entrepreneurstopresent their products.
∙ Coordination with Guests: Ensure smooth coordination with various service providers, financial institutions, and buyers attending the event.
∙ Décor and Atmosphere: Create a welcoming environment that encourages networking, with appropriate décor and seating arrangements.
∙ Sound and Lighting: Set up a sound system for announcements and ensure adequatelighting for product displays. Provide specific technical requirements, includingtypesofmicrophones, lighting preferences, and projector specifications.
∙ Participant Management: Manage the reception of guests and ensure smoothflowofparticipants throughout the event.
∙ Post-event Responsibilities: The agency will be responsible for the breakdownofequipment and clean-up
Duration and Location
∙ Date: October 18, 2024
∙ Location: Centre for Social Defense and Integration (CDIS), Sousse ∙
Duration: The event will run from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, including networking sessionsand product presentations.
Required Resources
∙ Exhibition Equipment: Stands, tables, and display materials for the products. ∙
Audiovisual Setup: Microphones, speakers, and projectors for presentations. Pleasereferto the specific technical requirements: wireless microphones, spotlight lightingfordisplays, and an HD projector capable of at least 3000 lumens.
∙ PWD Accessibility Requirements: Ensure that all event spaces are accessibletopersons with disabilities (PWD), including ramps, accessible seating, and sign languageinterpretation if necessary.
∙ Performance Criteria
∙ Setup Quality: All setups must be completed by 9:00 AM on the day of the event. ∙
Networking Events: Ensure smooth facilitation of interactions betweenyoungentrepreneurs and service providers.
Budget and Financial Terms
The agency will be responsible for providing a detailed quotation, including equipment rental, staffing, and additional logistics costs. The detailed quotation must include a specific breakdownof costs by category (equipment, staffing, logistics, etc.) to ensure full transparency. Acomprehensive budget will be discussed with the organizers prior to final approval.
∙ October 15, 2024: Deadline for finalizing logistics and confirming service providers.
∙ October 17, 2024: Final coordination meeting with the organizers.
∙ October 18, 2024: Event day.
Target Audience:
∙ 200 participants
Payment Terms:
∙ FHI 360’s standard payment method is 30 days following accepted service delivery, invoice and training reports reception.
∙ The service provider may issue an invoice following the finalization of each trainingtheywere selected for.
Financial Offer:
∙ The vendor may submit their price offer without VAT, as FHI 360 is exempt fromVATtax.
∙ The price offer should be complete and include all expenses needed to ensure the service(such as transportation, administration, or other expenses).
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Appel d’offres Publié sur Jamaity le 9 octobre 2024
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