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Call for consultation-NDI Retour vers les opportunités

Institut National Démocratique

Lance   Appel à consultants


08 Septembre 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis

Position title: Short-term Consultant

Form of employment: Consultancy

Duration: 3 months


  1. Description of NDI

NDI is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organization that works to strengthen and develop democracy around the world. Using a global network of volunteer experts, NDI provides technical support to parliaments, political parties, elected officials and civil society organizations working to establish democratic values and institutions in their countries. For more information on the organization, visit our website: www.ndi.org.


  1. Context

Through its USAID-funded Political Transitions Project (PTP), NDI is conducting a series of activities designed to combat the pernicious effects of disinformation in Tunisia. To accomplish this objective, NDI and its partners will support the efforts of civil society organizations, political parties, media outlets, and citizens to produce a healthier information space. NDI is implementing this project in close collaboration with its partners in the Consortium for Electoral and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS), most notably the Internews organization.


NDI launched its countering disinformation initiative in 2021 with an assessment of the impact of disinformation on Tunisian politics and society, and in inventory of the current efforts to combat the negative effects of disinformation. Based on the results of this assessment, NDI has planned a multi-faceted program that seeks to achieve four objectives:


  • Objective 1: Build resilience to disinformation among Tunisian citizens, civil society, and political parties.

  • Objective 2: Assist the media and public authorities to produce timely and accurate information.

  • Objective 3: Support advocacy to online platforms and governments to create a conducive environment for efforts to fight disinformation.

  • Objective 4: Promote greater coordination and networking among Tunisian and international NGOs fighting disinformation.


Select noteworthy activities include:


  • NDI and Internews will partner to conduct a joint multi-faceted, multi-channel awareness-raising campaign on media and information literacy (MIL) that would include both online and offline components, tailored to different demographics. As one part of this initiative, NDI will provide a subgrant to a Tunisian civil society organization to design and implement an initiative to raise awareness among citizens of the threat and negative effects of disinformation.

  • NDI will draw on its membership in the D4D Coalition and ties with such platforms to support the advocacy efforts of Tunisian organizations seeking to combat disinformation.

  • NDI will assist civil society organizations and political parties working under other components of the PTP program to better understand the threat of disinformation, tools to identify and detect disinformation, and strategies to build resilience.

  • In light of the growing number of Tunisian and international NGOs working to combat disinformation, NDI and Internews will lead information exchanges and improve coordination among these groups. NDI will organize an online gathering in fall 2021, with the intent to then set up periodic exchanges throughout the project.


NDI is contracting an expert to offer expertise that would contribute to the planning, design and execution of a diverse range of activities under these objectives. The responsibilities of the Consultant are as listed below in Sections 4 “Objectives of the Contract” and 5 “Deliverables.”


  1. Objectives of the Contract

The main objectives to be carried out by the expert:

‘Facts as Fiction’ Disinformation Conference

  1. Support engagement of CSOs and other organizations prior to, during, and after the conference.

  2. Determine resource needs including ongoing trainings and support post-conference

Awareness-Raising Campaign with Local Partner

  1. Review activities planned by a local civil society partner as part of a campaign to raise awareness of disinformation.

  2. Review online content developed by local partner to

  3. Review training curricula developed by local civil society partner


Other Activities:


  1. Contribute to the design and implementation of a strategy to connect Tunisian civil society organizations with technology platforms.


  1. Deliverables

At the kick-off meeting, the Contractor will set, in consultation with the NDI team, a work schedule specifying the dates of the various deliverables which aligns with the following:




  1. Monthly report covering September 15 to October 14, 2021

Due October 14, 2021

  1. Monthly report covering October 15 to November 14, 2021

Due November 14, 2021

  1. Monthly report covering November 15 to December 14, 2021

Due December 14, 2021




Critères d'éligibilité

  • Degree in public administration, political science, communication, social science, or other relevant field;
  • Minimum of two (2) years of experience in media and information literacy and civil society capacity-building; 
  • Understanding of the Tunisian political context, particularly related to media and disinformation;
  • Demonstrated experience in providing technical assistance to Tunisian civil society organizations; 
  • Ability to work independently; and, Availability to work for the duration of the mission.
  • Experience organizing large-scale conferences and/or other events; 
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills;
  • Fluency in Arabic, French and English; 

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 31 août 2021

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