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Call for Communications Consultants -DRC Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

Lance   Appel à candidatures


15 Octobre 2023 Il y a 9 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Voices From the Mediterranean 

  1. Who is the Danish Refugee Council? 

Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few  with a specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and  supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees  and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all  stages: In the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon  return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance; supports displaced persons  in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies; and works with civil society and  responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence. 

  1. Purpose of the consultancy 

The Danish Refugee Council based in Tunisia seeks proposals from a consultant to play a key role in  ensuring effective communication and outreach for the “Voices from the Mediterranean” project.  

  1. Background 

DRC has been operating in Tunisia since 2011 as part of a coordinated Libya-Tunisia program in  response to regional instability following the Arab Spring revolutions. They have implemented projects  aimed at enhancing community security and resilience in key border towns in Tunisia.  Since 2021, DRC has expanded its Tunisia programming to include an Economic Recovery portfolio.  The goal is to provide tangible opportunities for Tunisian youth, particularly women, to improve  employability and find sustainable income-generating options to support themselves and their  families, offering an alternative to migration. DRC through its office in the South is continuing to work  on Social Cohesion and on support to local civil society to provide assistance to vulnerable populations.  

The topic of migration is currently stirring up intense emotions, as it has done throughout  much of history in the Mediterranean region. However, amidst the policy debates, the personal stories of migrants are often overlooked. These are the stories of individuals seeking  better economic opportunities, political and religious freedoms, and who enrich our  communities in various ways. DRC aims to present portraits of men and women who are on  the move and share inspiring stories of how they are pursuing their dreams. The people  featured will be from different regions and countries in Africa demonstrating that hard work,  strong values, determination, and dreams transcend borders and boundaries. 

  1. Objective of the consultancy 

The consultant will work closely with the project team to develop and implement a  comprehensive communication strategy, which includes the production of visual portraits,  podcast episodes and a launch article to be posted on DRC website. The consultant will facilitate  the promotion of the project’s launch, maximizing its reach, engaging with the audience, and  facilitating meaningful discussions on migration-related issues. 

  1. Scope of work and Methodology 

The Consultant will be required to prepare a detailed methodology and work plan indicating how the objectives of the project will be achieved, and the support required from DRC. 

Collaborate with the project team to understand the project’s objectives, target audience,  and key messages. 

Develop a communication strategy outlining the objectives, target audience, channels, and  activities to achieve maximum impact. 

Create compelling content for the web dossier, including social media posts and blog  articles to promote the project’s launch and engage the audience. 

Monitor project-related discussions and engagement on social media. 

Collaborate with the project team to identify and engage relevant stakeholders, including  media outlets, influencers, and partner organizations, to expand the project’s outreach. Monitor and analyze the project’s impact and engagement, preparing reports on key  performance indicators. 

Provide regular updates to the project team on communication activities and results. 

  1. Deliverables  

The Consultant will submit the following deliverables as mentioned below: 

Phase Expected  


Indicative description tasks Maximum  



Phase 1 








5 working days 


Phase Expected  


Indicative description tasks Maximum  



Phase 2 


Content for web  

dossier trial 1

Working meetings, discussions, field visit  Data collection, podcats  10 working days
Phase 3 


Content for Web  


Prepare first draft report 

Feedback from DRC to submit the final report 

10 working days


The Consultant will provide the documentation by email.  

  1. Duration, timeline, and payment 

The total expected duration to complete the assignment will be no more than 10 days per month The consultant shall be prepared to complete the assignment no later than December 18th >PAYMENT SHOULD MACH THE DELIVERABLE REQUIREMENT

  1. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required 

A minimum of 8 years of experience in communication, preferably in the field of migration,  humanitarian, or social issues. 

Demonstrated experience in developing and implementing communication strategies for  non-profit projects or campaigns. 

Excellent writing and storytelling skills, with the ability to create compelling and impactful  content.  

Proficiency in engaging with diverse audiences. 

Strong organizational and time management skills, with the ability to work effectively  under tight deadlines. 

Familiarity with migration-related issues and sensitivity to cultural diversity and  migration experiences. 

  1. Technical supervision 

The selected consultant will work under the supervision of: 

Partnership Specialist, ALT Communications Focal Point, Mariam Chaabouni

10. Location and support 


The Consultant will provide her/his own computer and mobile telephone along with any other  material needed for the shooting. 

  1. Travel 

Travel will be required but will be agreed upon with the consultant once pre-selected.  12. Submission process 

Interested applicants who meet the required experience and qualifications are invited to submit  their Bids to rfq.tun@drc.ngo according to the submission process mentioned in the Invitation  letter. 

  1. Evaluation of bids 

> Please refer to the RFP letter invitation. < 

Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their  understanding of the consultancy services. 

Annex A_DRC General Conditions of Contract

Annex A1 Technical Bid Form (4)

Annex A2 Financial Bid Form (4)

Annex C Consultant Declaration Form (3)

Annex D_Supplier Code of Conduct (Standard) (3)

Annex E_Supplier Profile and Registration Form ENG (1) (3)

Annex F- Terms of References (1)

RFP Invitation Letter (7)

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Publié sur Jamaity le 5 October 2023

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