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Call for Applications: MENA Leadership Academy 2022-2023 Retour vers les opportunités


27 Février 2022 Il y a 3 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Formations

Rethinking youth political activism in the MENA region

Although the countries of the southern Mediterranean each have their own political and economic characteristics, fundamental developments shape the entire region. Fragile political systems, young populations, and high (youth) unemployment are characteristic of the region as tense citizen-state relations and recurring unrest. In almost all states in the region, there is a demand for greater political participation, accountability, and transparency on the part of those in power, as well as socioeconomic reforms. Rule of law and good governance, therefore, remain dominant demands in the countries of the southern Mediterranean.

60% of the population in the MENA region is under 30 years old. The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic and its socio-economic consequences have posed significant challenges to the political and social participation of young people in the region. At the same time, demands for good governance, rule of law, and respect for human rights remain. Social media also continues to change the understanding of participation and political and social engagement.

Aware of the importance of strengthening civic and political engagement of the youth in the MENA region, the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS PolDiMed) launches the fourth generation of its regional training program MENA

Leadership Academy – MENA LA.

One of the aims of the fourth edition of MENA-LA is to promote the strengthening of civic- and political engagement among young actors in the region. To this end, it presents the fundamentals of democracy and the rule of law, as well as methods to effectively advocate for reform processes in the region. The two-year program aims to enhance the basic communication- and political skills of the selected young leaders and increase the participation of young actors in the civic- and political process.

Training Components

25 selected participants will follow a well-tailored program cycle throughout 2022-2023 with a series of training to strengthen the organizational and functional capabilities of CSOs and young members of political parties. The program will also focus on individual skill training such as communication and negotiation. The training series will be finalized with a study trip to Germany. The training program will take place over two years and will consist of the following components:

First Training

Civics, social and political participation, and foundations of democratic systems.

  • June 2022, Tunisia
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Focus: Role and functions of civil society and political organizations in the context of development in the MENA region. Participants are trained in strategic planning and project development.

Second Training

Change from below – local politics and civil society engagement on the ground

  • October 2022, Turkey
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Focus: The workings and functioning of local politics and the role of civil society organizations at the local and regional levels.

Third Training

Competence training in communication, rhetoric, and goal achievement

  • March 2023, Morocco
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Focus: Training on communication strategies and techniques, rhetoric training, and training in the formulation of (written and oral) concerns.

Fourth Training

Political and civil society engagement of young actors in Europe:

  • September 2023, Germany
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Focus: Study trip to Germany where the participants will learn about the organization and activities of political parties and CSOs in a European parliamentary democracy

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Citizens of the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
  • Age: Between 20 and 30 years
  • Candidates from CSOs and youth branches of political parties that work on one or more of the above mentioned training topics/fields
  • Very good command of English
  • Availability to contribute to the entire program cycle 2022-2023

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