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Call for Applications for the 2024/2025 Cohort of the Youth Public Policy Network-NDI Retour vers les opportunités

Institut National Démocratique

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21 Octobre 2024 Il y a 4 mois

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Call for Applications for the 2024/2025 Cohort of the Youth Public Policy Network

A Joint Program Led by SMU, IRI, and NDI

We are pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2024/2025 cohort of the “Youth Public Policy Network,” a joint program led by South Mediterranean University (SMU), the International Republican Institute (IRI), and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

This program aims to enhance young people’s engagement in the cycle of public policy creation, implementation, and evaluation by providing knowledge and tools that enrich their understanding of public policy development.


Program Description:

The “Youth Public Policy Network” or “YPPN” is a collaborative capacity-building initiative jointly led by the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and South Mediterranean University (SMU).

This program is designed to support a group of 35 young civil society activists, young political party members, and young journalists who wish to deepen their understanding of public policies.

Its objective is to strengthen participants’ understanding of the public policy-making process and its impact on economic development. The program will also equip participants with the skills necessary to design alternatives based on accurate data and the capabilities needed to effectively communicate and advocate for their adoption.

The training program consists of two distinct parts:

The first part will be provided by South Mediterranean University (SMU) and will focus on public policy, economics, and development. Its goal is to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to better understand the life cycle of public policies as well as the complex social, political, economic, and institutional factors that influence policy outcomes.

The second part, entitled “Political Toolkit,” will be jointly conducted by the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI). It will first cover the areas of advocacy and political communication with the objective of providing participants with essential knowledge in communication and interpersonal skills. Secondly, the “Political Toolkit” aims to provide participants with knowledge of the state’s institutional system, the public policy-making process, and the drafting of policy recommendation papers. The skills acquired during these modules will help participants strengthen their engagement in public life and increase their effectiveness in leadership.


Training Duration:

The training program consists of six modules, each lasting three days (from Friday to Sunday), spread over eight months (with one module per month).

Selected candidates must commit to participating in all training activities throughout the cycle.

Participants must be able to coordinate with their employers and other commitments to be available for all sessions.


Selection Process:

The selection of program beneficiaries is carried out through a transparent and competitive process, comprising several stages. It begins with an application review, followed by a written test, and ends with an oral interview.

The entire process is designed to ensure fairness and objectivity in the selection of beneficiaries.


Target Profiles:

    • Aged between 24 and 35 years old;
    • Holder of a Bachelor’s degree (a Master’s degree is a plus);
    • Confirmed experience within civil society, political parties, or in intermediary organizations or entities, or within a media institution (traditional or alternative media);
    • Understanding of the economic, financial, legal, and institutional context in which public policies are developed and implemented in Tunisia;
    • Proficiency in Arabic and French (proficiency in English is a plus);
    • Available during the training session dates, which will be held in Tunis;
  • We strongly encourage applications from young people from regions outside the capital, women, and people with disabilities.


To submit your application, please send a cover letter detailing your experiences in public policy engagement, highlighting concrete examples that demonstrate your interest and involvement in this field. We also request that you clearly show your potential and determination to further engage in the future as an agent of change and future decision-maker, along with a CV to the email address: nditunisie@ndi.org before October 21, 2024.



Critères d'éligibilité

  • Aged between 24 and 35 years old; Holder of a Bachelor’s degree (a Master’s degree is a plus);
  • Proficiency in Arabic and French (proficiency in English is a plus);
  • Available during the training session dates, which will be held in Tunis;
  • Confirmed experience within civil society, political parties, or in intermediary organizations or entities, or within a media institution (traditional or alternative media); Understanding of the economic, financial, legal, and institutional context in which public policies are developed and implemented in Tunisia;

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 6 septembre 2024

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