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Call for application – Green4Youth 3rd Cohort Retour vers les opportunités


10 Décembre 2023 Il y a 1 an

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Economie social et solidaire

Green4Youth 2.0 is within the framework of The Challenge Fund for a Just Transition (CFJT), co-implemented by Flat6Labs Tunisia and Impact Partner, and supported by Hivos and IFC – International Finance Corporation.

This program is dedicated to the small growing businesses (SGBs) in the green sector that operates with an extensive network of micro companies (suppliers, distributors..).

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Registered in Tunisia or have operations in Tunisia.
  • Makes revenues by selling products or services that contribute to reducing carbon emissions, enhancing climate resilience, or climate adaptation, for at least three years.
  • Demonstrates year-on-year revenues growth.
  • Offers at least 10 to 15 direct or indirect jobs.
  • Targets at least 30% additional direct and indirect labor within 2 years.
  • Integrates microbusinesses in the supply chain (i.e., micro suppliers & distributors, small enterprise customers, service providers).
  • Committed toward the inclusion of women and youth in job creation.

L'opportunité a expiré

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 7 novembre 2023

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